Northern Iraq - 1996

Read Rick's Commentaries (opens in a new tab)

Iraq Lebanon Syria Jordan Saudi Arabia Pakistan UAE Yemen Sudan Afghanistan Egypt Israel Palestinians Libya Qatar Iran
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ARCHIVES (chronological by country/subject)
Afghanistan - Al-Qa'idah - Bahrain - Egyp
t - Iran - Iraq - Israel - Israel-Hamas 2008-09/2014 - Israel-Hizballah 2006 - Jordan - Lebanon - Libya - Miscellaneous - Palestinians - Pakistan - Politics of Water - Qatar - Secret Agreements - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Syria - Terrrorism - Turkey - UAE - Yemen

Movie and Series Reviews


Taliban to revive policy of stoning and flogging women (March 2024)
The fall of Kabul – who did not see this coming? (August 2021)
“Yeah, thank you, Charlie Wilson” – the law of unintended consequences (March 2021)
Comments on the U.S. - Taliban agreement on Afghanistan (March 2020)
"Taliban John" Walker Lindh to be released - justice undone (April 2019)
Afghanistan is a disaster (November 2018)
President Trump and the Purple Heart presentation to Sergeant First Class Barrientos (April 2017)
The fall of Kabul - 15 years later (November 2016)
The Bergdahl court-martial recommendation - has someone leaned on the Army? (October 2015)
Médecins Sans Frontières accuses the U.S. Air Force of a war crime - ludicrous (October 2015)
Bergdahl - the deflective media campaign begins (March 2015)
Bergdahl - the Army does the right thing (March 2015)
Ending the war in Afghanistan - Iraq redux? (December 2014)
Military chiefs support the release of the "Taliban Five" for Sergeant Bergdahl - well, sort of.... (July 2014)
The Bowe Bergdahl exchange - a mixed blessing (June 2014)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
The military genius of Joe Biden.... (October 2012)
Obama and his military strategies (September 2012)
President Obama and the "end" of two wars (September 2012)
Obama's Night Trip to the War Zone (May 2012)
Try an American soldier in an Afghan court - seriously? (March 2012)
Mr. President, tell me again why we're in Afghanistan? (February 2012)
Afghanistan - hasn't the Administration learned anything? (February 2012)
Pakistan - part of the problem, not the solution (November 2011)
Taliban Tactics and American Ambiguity (August 2011)
Taliban Intelligence Report on Obama's Speech (June 2011)
The absurdity of arbitrary withdrawal dates (November 2010)
Karzai and Iranian money - who can blame him? (October 2010)
Of Qurans and imams - the fallacy of our Afghan policy (September 2010)
Afghanistan and that pesky withdrawal date (August 2010)
Some leaked documents a breath of fresh air (July 2010)
Iranian official hails Afghanistan as America's "new Vietnam" - he has a point (July 2010)
On Afghanistan - a few things, Mr. President (June 2010)
General McChrystal - what were you thinking? (June 2010)
President Obama in Afghanistan - why are we there again? (March 2010)
Three Afghan Taliban leaders captured - a shift in the ISI? (February 2010)
Did the President really say Al-Qa'idah is "hunkered down?" (January 2010)
Jordan loses a soldier in Afghanistan (January 2010)
Date certain withdrawal - always a mistake (December 2009)
Taliban analysis of the Obama speech (December 2009)
Mr. President, make a decision already (October 2009)
Afghanistan Election Runoff (October 2009)
Afghanistan and the White House - can you spell V-I-E-T-N-A-M? (October 2009)
Commander in Afghanistan wants more troops - now what? (September 2009)
Should we re-assess the U.S. role in Afghanistan? (August 2009)
A good sign in Pakistan - we hope (June 2009)
Obama's outreach to the Taliban - a victory for the terrorists (March 2009)
More American troops to Afghanistan (February 2009)
American troops in Afghanistan deserve a better command structure (August 2008)
German soldiers in Afghanistan - don't shoot the bad guys! (May 2008)
Charlie Wilson's War (January 2008)
Afghanistan's hostgage slippery slope (April 2007)
More US troops to Afghanistan - What of NATO? (February 2007)
“Taliban John” – His Father Speaks Out (January 2006)
Afghanistan - Define the U.S. National Interest
(September 2004)



Proposed U.S. arms sale to Bahrain - the wrong weapons (October 2011)
Bahrain - the next domino? (February 2011)


Movie Review: "The Angel" (Netflix - 2018) (January 2019)
Egyptian President al-Sisi visit to Washington - my initial readout (April 2017)
Syrian and Egyptian intelligence chiefs meet in Cairo - a smart play by Putin (October 2016)
Fallout of a bad nuclear deal with Iran (March 2015)
Arab children "playing ISIS" - the sickness spreads
(March 2015)

Messrs Obama, Kerry, Hagel - send the Apaches to Egypt already! (October 2014
The Russians are coming...with our (unwitting?) help (March 2014)
Secure Freedom Radio Interview - October 4, 2013 (October 2013)
Rick Francona on Egyptian Television (Arabic) (October 2013)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
U.S. Embassy attacked in Cairo - the blame game (September 2012)
Egypt and Syria - a tale of two armies (August 2012)
Attack a test for Egypt's new government - ADDENDUM (August 2012)
Attack a test for Egypt's new government (August 202
Stagnation in Egypt - no real solution on the horizon (June 2012)
Egypt: Moussa declares Camp David Accords dead - some context, please (May 2012)
Egypt - the kingmakers speak.... (April 2012)
The resurrection of the caliphate? (January 2012)
The coming nuclear arms race in the Middle East (December 2011)
Egyptian military embracing the Muslim Brotherhood? (February 2011)
Egypt on a collision course - some comments (February 2011)
A new landscape in the Middle East (February 2011)
The 3:00am call from Cairo? (January 2011)
Omar Suleiman - "the real alternative" (September 2010)
Eric Holder in Egypt - can you spell UGLY AMERICAN?  (July 2010)
Rocket hits Jordan - whodunit? (April 2010)
Egypt and the Nile - trouble brewing? (July 2009)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route
(March 2009)
Al-Qa'idah leader on September 11, 2001 (March 2009)


Israeli Airstrike on Iranian Consulate in Damascus Kills Senior Iranian IRGC Leader (Apr
il 2024)
Movie Review: The Operative (Yuval Adler, 2019)
(March 2022)
Defense Department Linguist Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison (June 2021)
Biden's Iran Policy - Obama Failure 2.0?
(February 2021)
United Arab Emirates and Israel to normalize relations - my thoughts (August 2020)
"Iran is the main obstacle" - my interview in Eurasia Diary (May 2020)
Syria resumes sanctioned flights from Iran that US says are carrying weapons (April 2020)
Fallout from the killing of Qods Force commander Qasem Soleimani (January 2020)
President Trump's decision to call off strikes on Iran - why? (June 2019)
The indictment of former Air Force intelligence specialist Monica Elfriede Witt (February 2019)
Iranian Air Force or SAHA airlines - who really owns this aircraft? (September 2018)
Iranian defense minister in Damascus - the Syrian situation map (August 2018)
Peugeot pulls out of Iran - restored American sanctions begin to bite (June 2018)
The Iranian nuclear deal - fix it or nix it (May 2018)
Iran-Israel confrontation in Syria - more to come (February 2018)
Is there a fix to the flawed Iran nuclear deal? (January 2018)
Iranian weapons in Yemen - is anyone surprised? (December 2017)
Designating the IRGC a terrorist organization - it's about time (October 2017)
Trump and the Iranian nuclear deal - did Tehran just blink? (October 2017)
IAEA access to Iranian military sites - nuclear deal breaker? (September 2017)
Iranian Air Force operations in Syria's Idlib governorate (August 2017)
North Korean M1978 Koksan Gun - the Iranian angle (August 2017)
Ransom for hostages - the view from Tehran
(August 2016)
The "Kerry Collapse" continues - U.S. to buy Iranian illicit heavy water (April 2016)
Truce in Syria collapses as pro-regime forces move on Aleppo (April 2016)
Iran's ballistic missile program - more fallout from the "Kerry Collapse" (March 2016)
Iran frees five detained Americans - the good, the bad and the ugly
(January 2016)
Iranian detention of US Navy patrol boats and crews - what happened? (January 2016)
REDUX: "Fallout of a bad nuclear deal with Iran" / "The nuclear deal with Iran - the view from Riyadh" (July 2015)
Iran Nuclear Deal - Lingering Concerns (July 2015)
Misquoted again - Iran, Iraq, chemical weapons and me (June 2015)
Iranian seizure of the Maersk Tigris - what are they thinking?
(April 2015)
Iran continues to demonstrate its negotiating skills - Kerry beware.... (April 2015)
The nuclear deal with Iran - the view from Riyadh (April 2015)
Fallout of a bad nuclear deal with Iran (March 2015)
The battle for Tikrit - a harbinger of things to come? (March 2015)
The Iran deal - it doesn't get any worse than this....
(February 2015)
"The unwanted ally" - Iran conducts airstrikes against ISIS (December 2014)
Iranian nuclear talks - maybe time to walk away? (November 2014)
Baghdad and its two supporting coalitions (October 2014)
Is Iran delivering fighter aircraft to the Iraqi Air Force?
(July 2014)
Iranian support to Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki - why is anyone surprised?
(June 2014)
Iranian nuclear talks fail - the kabuki dance continues (May 2014)
Iranian Television Interview - American Support to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War (May 2014)
An Iranian nuclear weapon - a given unless we wake up (March 2014)
Iran - time to intervene in Syria? (May 2013)
Iraq "inspects" Iranian cargo aircraft heading for Syria - color me skeptical (April 2013)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
Obama Administration opposes tougher Iran sanctions? (December 2012)
Iraq sides with Iran against U.S. in release of Hizballah terrorist (November 2012)
Iran's endorsement of Obama for re-election (October 2012)
Nicholas Burns: diplomacy is the answer - really? (August 2012)
FLASH - Istanbul talks result in agreement to talk!!! (April 2012)
Diplomacy and the Iranian nuclear issue - ADDENDUM (April 2012)
Diplomacy and the Iranian nuclear issue (April 2010)
Semantics, politics and Iran's nuclear weapons program (March 2012)
Netanyahu and Obama at AIPAC - a leader and a reader (March 2012)
U.S. senior officers' remarks on military actions against Iran (March 2012)
Secretary Clinton, where are the "crippling" sanctions on Iran? (March 2012)
Iran and Syrian issues conflate (February 2012)
The Obama Administration and Iran - an infusion of spine? (January 2012)
Iranian Navy versus the U.S. Fifth Fleet? (December 2011)
The coming nuclear arms race in the Middle East (December 2011)
The IAEA's useless condemnation of Iran (November 2011)
Iran - IAEA report forces candidates' hands (November 2011)
Iran, the IAEA and Israel - convergence coming? (November 2011)
The Qods Force plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador - Amateur Hour? (October 2011)
Iran and al-Qa'idah - strange bedfellows (July 2011)
Iran ups the ante in Iraq and Afghanistan (July 2011)
Iran picks up the pieces - again (June 2011)
Iraq bows to Iranian pressure to expel MEK (April 2011)
Iranian warships in the Mediterranean - deal with it (February 2011)
Refresh my memory - why are we talking to the Iranians? (January 2011)
What century are we in? - Part Two: Iran (January 2011)
Obsessed with Iran? Me? (December 2010)
Nose under the tent - Iranian missiles in Venezuela (December 2010)

Doing what Iran does best - agreeing to talk (December 2010)
Iran: Why containment is bad strategy (December 2010)
Wikileaks documents show Iran a major concern (November 2010)
More Obama appeasement of Iran? (November 2010)
Karzai and Iranian money - who can blame him? (October 2010)
Wikileaks reveals U.S. failures over hikers (October 2010)
Iranian president visits "the colony" of Lebanon (October 2010)
Naiveté, thy address is 1600 Pennsylvania (October 2010)
Clinton on Iran - she hopes they find a way.... (September 2010)
Iran - should we even consider talking to this regime? (September 2010)
"Fallout" from the Iranian nuclear program (August 2010)
U.S. combat troops leave Iraq - politics or reason? (August 2010)
General Jones and the Iranians - not a fair match...
(August 2010)
Sale of F-15's to Saudi Arabia a start, but not the solution (August 2010)
The three hikers in Iran - how's that "engagement" working (August 2010)
Some leaked documents a breath of fresh air (July 2010)
Quoted about the Iranian scientist defector issue (July 2010)
Al-Sadr in Damascus - another step in his journey to rule Iraq? (July 2010)
The "defective" Iranian scientist - curiouser and curiouser (July 2010)
Mr President - take a lesson from the ambassador (July 2010)
Iranian radars to Syria - some context (July 2010)
Iranian sanctions - "mere ink on paper"  (June 2010)
Can you spell W-A-G-T-H-E-D-O-G? (
June 2010)
Saudis deny airspace open for Israeli attack on Iran (June 2010)
Obama wants weaker sanctions on Iran? (June 2
Iran sanctions - Kabuki dance, part four (June 2010)
Iranian commandos to escort aid ships to Gaza? (June 2010)
Israel's underwater wild card (June 2010)
Iranian nuclear deal - real or a delaying tactic? (May 2010)
Did I miss the "crippling" sanctions on Iran? (May 2010)
Biden Barks - Tehran Trembles? (May 2010)
Iran sanctions and the backroom deals.... (April 2010)
No Scuds for Hizballah - just "the usual rockets" (Apr
il 2010)
Gates gets it - the others, not so much.... (April 2010)
Does anyone really take Iran's claims seriously? (April 2010)
President Obama and sanctions on Iran (April 2010)
Iran developing a nuclear weapon? I am shocked, shocked... (February 2010)
Chinese support for sanctions? What about the Russians? (February 2010)
Iran to enrich uranium to 20 percent - no surprise (February 2010)
U.S. arms sales and deployments to the Gulf - interesting timing (February
New sanctions on Iran? The Clinton spin... (January 2010)
Israel's Military Option for Iran - "When" not "If" (January 2010)
Iran again outmaneuvering the West (January 2010)
Ahmadinejad - another deft move at Copenhagen? (December 20
European Union demands that Iran agree to talk??? (December 2009)
FBI arrests group seeking arms for "the Resistance" (November 2009)
Perspective on Yemen's recent violence (November 2009)
Iran must be getting worried now...not (November 2009)
Iranian intransigence and American options (November 2009)
Mr. Obama, about your Iran policy - can you spell f-e-c-k-l-e-s-s? (November 2009)
Any remaining doubts about Iran's nuclear intentions? (November 2009)
Iran - thankfully no 3:00am phone calls (November 2009)
Iran - continuing to play the West (October 2009)
Iran: Having their (yellow) cake and eating it too (October 2009)
A new NIE on Iran? It's about time.... (October 2009)
US again fails to restart Middle East peace talks (October 2009)
Whispering in the wind - talking to Iran
(September 2009)
Brzezinski and Talabani comments on Iraqi airspace
(September 2009)
Iran - the stakes go up
(September 2009)
The coming showdown with Iran
(September 2009)
Talks with Iran - let's not get too excited (September 2009)
Hizballah fully rearmed - is anyone surprised? (August 2009)
Iran - Quds Force commander named defense minister (August 2009)
Thoughts on the release of the "Lockerbie bomber" (August 2009)
Iran proposes no-attack agreement (August 2009)
Iran's Foreign Policy Success (July 2009)
Israel and the Golan Heights - missing the big picture? (July 2009)
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran – not so far-fetched (July 2009)
Iran - maybe the problem wasn't Bush
(June 2009)
Return of an American ambassador to Syria (
June 2009)
Obama's words and Iran's demonstrators (June 2009)
The Awakening - IAEA and the real "axis of evil" (June 2009)
Second thoughts on the Iranian elections
(June 2009)
Thoughts on the Iranian Elections
(June 2009)
Iranian diplomats at July 4 parties - why not? (June 2009)
Netanyahu and Obama - let the tap-dance begin (May 2009)

Syria's alliance with Iran - a force for stability? (May 2009)
Iran and Obama - the view from Riyadh (April 2009)

Quoted in Turkish Newspaper (April 2009)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route - UPDATE (April 2009)
Iran - Can cutting off gasoline imports work?
(April 2009)
Iran vs Saberi - A pawn in a bigger game (April 2009)
Obama's predictable policy shift on Iran (April 2009)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route (March 2009)
Hamas and Iran meetings - no surprises here
(March 2009)
Iran - Ambassador Rice tells it like it is
(February 2009)
Iran has sufficient uranium for a nuclear weapon
(February 2009)
Iranian satellite launch - a wake up call
(February 2009)
Obama and Iran - naïveté and the real world
(February 2009)
Israeli debate over Iran's nuclear program
(January 2009)
Hamas - The Iranian Connection
(January 2009)
Obama and Syria - the Asad Test
(December 2008)
Obama's Election - Mixed Reviews in the Region
(November 2008)
Memo to President Admadihejad: "Nuclear weapons are militarily useless"
(November 2008)
Former Iraqi general to speak out against Iran (August 2008)

Muqtada al-Sadr biding his time in Iran
(August 2008)
Middle East trip an eye-opener for Obama
  (July 2008)
Finally, U.S. and Iranian diplomats will meet (July 2008)
Iran - Information Operation? (July 2008)
Iran missile test sends defiant message to West
  (July 2008)
Iran - Israel's Air Strike Options Update
  (June 2008)
Iran concerned about Iraq-U.S. troop agreement
  (June 2008)
Peace between Syria and Israel? (May 2008)
A subtle message to the bad guys....
(February 2008)

Iran's space program - deja vu (February 2008)
Conflicting signals from Tehran? (January 2008)
Israel and the NIE – a different perspective (December 2007)
A bad week for the intelligence community (December 2007)
What role will Syria play at peace conference? (November 2007)
Iran: The new focus of 2008?  (November 2007)
Attack the Iranians? It's about time! (September 2007)
Pick a side, Mr Barzani (September 2007)
Bombs for Syria – a message for Iran (September 2007)
Syria and Iran need to rethink their choices (August 2007)
'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'  (August 2007)
Why are we still talking to Iran? (August 2007)
Fear of Iran creates strange bedfellows  (August 2007)
In dealing with Iran, what is Israel's strategy?  (July 2007)
Italian resolve on Iran – who knew? (July 2007)
Two decades later - it's still about Iran (July 2007)
Timing of Iran talks insulting to troops (May 2007)
The real axis of evil (May 2007)
The British detainees – some answers, some questions  (April 2007)
Questions abound after British sailors released  (April 2007)
Troubled Waters - the Shatt Al-'Arab  (March 2007)
Gulf Arabs draw a red line against Iran  (March 2007)
Making sense of a complex war (March 2007)
The Damascus Option (March 2007)
What's in a name? - the Syrian-Iranian car company (March 2007)
Is Iran an "unstoppable train?" (February 2007)
Mr. President, what are you prepared to do? (February 2007)
U.S. policy - Is the focus now on Iran? (February 2007)
Israeli Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist (February 2007)
The Qods Force - Iran's special operations force (January 2007)
Analysis - Israeli plans for attack on Iranian nuclear facilities (January 2007)
Iran and Declining Oil Revenues (December 2006)
Iran - still part of the problem (December 2006)
Iran and Sanctions - UNSCR 1737 (December 2006)
Iraq Study Group - Iran and Syria part of the problem (December 2006)
Iran - "Existential Threat" to the State of Israel - ADDENDUM (November 2006)
Syria and Iran Increase Signals Intelligence Cooperation (October 2006)
The Iran-Hamas Connection - Why? (July 2006)
HAMAS, Israel, Syria, Iran – Pieces of the Same Puzzle (June 2006)
Iran - Badges for Infidels? (May 2006)
Iran - Israel's Air Strike Options (March 2006)
When Diplomacy Fails - Reactions to an Air Strike on Iran (January 2006)
CNBC - Middle East Update (January 2006)
Quoted in The Washington Times (January 2006)
Military Options? (January 2006)
Foreign Policy: With Friends Like These (September 2005)
Syria and Iran Common Front - Nothng New (February 2005)
The Arrow-2 Missile and the Iranian Threat (July 2004)
Iraq: Shiite power and Iranian intentions (April 2003)


Defense Department Linguist Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison (June 2021)
What does withdrawal of US troops from Iraq mean? - American military expert explains
(July 2020)
"Iran is the main obstacle" - my interview in Eurasia Diary (May 2020)
Middle East oil pumping stations and military air bases (January 2020)
Fallout from the killing of Qods Force commander Qasem Soleimani (January 2020)
The power vacuum in Iraq was exploited by the Iranians - Exclusive to Eurasia Diary (December 2019)
ADDENDUM - Did the Iraqi Air Force revert to the Saddam-era roundel? (August 2019)
Did the Iraqi Air Force revert to the Saddam-era roundel? (August 2019)
Movie Review: "Queen of the Desert" (Benaroya Pictures - 2015) (April 2019)
Nostalgia for Saddam Husayn - who would have thought? (August 2018)
Turkish and Iraqi cooperation against the Kurds (October 2017)
The impending fall of al-Raqqah - then what? (October 2017)
Syrian and Iraqi coordinated operations against ISIS (September 2017)
North Korean M1978 Koksan Gun - the Iranian angle (August 2017)
After the recapture of Mosul, what's next? (July 2017)
American troops in Iraq after the "defeat" of ISIS? A good idea.... (May 2017)
Iraqi Prime Minister al-'Abadi in Washington - some realities (March 2017)
Iraqi prime minister may block visas to U.S. citizens? Think that over, Haydar (January 2017)
Increased ISIS terror attacks - symptom of the impending loss of it's capital cities (January 2017)
Erdoğan and Mosul - symptom of a larger problem? (October 2016)
The Iraqi operation to retake Mosul - are they ready? (October 2016)
Iraqis plan to retake Mosul without the Kurds? (July 2016)
U.S. to deploy 560 more troops to Iraq - further down that slippery slope? (July 2016)
The battle after Fallujah - an Iraqi strategy shift? (July 2016)
Iraq - Goals of the ISIS bombing campaign (May 2016)
OPINION - Obama press secretary Josh Earnest insults American killed in combat (May 2016)
Iraq - Muqtada al-Sadr flexes his political muscles (May 2016)
B-52 deployment to the Middle East - let's drop the term "carpet bombing" (April 2016)
More U.S. ground troops to Iraq - further down that slippery slope? (March 2016)
Delta versus ISIS - American special operations forces expand their mission in Iraq - ADDENDUM (March 2016)
Delta versus ISIS - American special operations forces expand their mission in Iraq (March 2016)
After Ramadi - the long road to Mosul (January 2016)
U.S. to deploy "specialized expeditionary targeting force" to combat ISIS - mission creep? (December 2015)
CNN Opinon - How to defeat ISIS (November 2015)
Pentagon proposes American "boots on the ground" in Syria and Iraq (October 2015)
Is your government lying to you about the war against ISIS? (August 2015)
Misquoted again - Iran, Iraq, chemical weapons and me (June 2015)
The Kurds - key to success against "The Islamic State?" (June 2015)
More American military advisers to Iraq - not the answer (June 2015)
Tariq 'Aziz - response to an irate reader (June 2015)
Tariq 'Aziz - dead at 79 (June 2015)
The ISIS attack on the Bayji oil refinery - where is the airpower? (April 2015)
ISIS - making a play for al-Ramadi despite air campaign (April 2015)
Anatomy of an ISIS suicide attack on an Iraqi target (March 2015)
Why is American airpower not stopping ISIS? (March 2015)
The battle for Tikrit - a harbinger of things to come? (March 2015)
Bob Simon, CBS and me... (February 2015)l (February 2015)
The death of Lieutenant Mu'az al-Kasasbah - some thoughts (February 2015)
ISIS press release: "The Day of Punishment" (January 2015)
Ending the war in Afghanistan - Iraq redux? (December 2014)
Iraq and Syria - clarity and confusion (Part Two) (December 2014)
Iraq and Syria - clarity and confusion (Part One) (December 2014)
"The unwanted ally" - Iran conducts airstrikes against ISIS (December 2014)
ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusrah alliance - a wrench in Obama's plan? (November 2014)
Iraqi peshmerga troops cross Turkey to Kobani - why, and will it matter? (October 2014)
Baghdad and its two supporting coalitions (October 2014)
The Islamic State Air Force - some perspective, please.... - ADDENDUM (October 2104)
The Islamic State Air Force - some perspective, please.... (October 2014)
"Finally, the Turks..." - allow U.S. and coalition access to Turkish airbases (October 2014)
Al-Anbar Provincial Council asks for U.S. troops (October 2014)
Airpower versus ISIS - try the Afghan model (October 2014)
ISIS: The fall of Kobane and the march on Baghdad (October 2014)
The Free Syrian Army as our "boots on the ground" in Syria? (September 2014)
Initial assessment of the Iraqi Army - it's worse than we thought.... (July 2014)
The battle for Tikrit - bellwether of the future in Iraq? (July 2014)
Iraq - Sobering assessment from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (July 2014)
Baghdad International Airport - the Achilles heel of the American evacuation plan (July 2014)
Is Iran delivering fighter aircraft to the Iraqi Air Force? (July 2014)
The Kurdish پێشمەرگە (peshmerga) - "those who follow death" (June 2014)
Life in the Islamic State in Iraq and [Greater] Syria (June 2014)
CNN's Out Front with Erin Burnett - June 23, 2014
Iranian support to Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki - why is anyone surprised? (June 2014)
Secretary Kerry, please focus on American national interests, not Iraq's failed government (June 2014)
Syrian Air Force strikes targets in Iraq - not waiting for the Americans (June 2014)
Where is the Iraqi Army? (June 2014)
ISIS map indicates intentions in the Levant
(June 2014)
URGENT - ISIS seizes almost all Iraq-Syrian-Jordanian border crossings (June 2014)
The Kurds and Kirkuk - prelude to partition? (June 2014)
ISIS versus ISIL - what's in a name? (June 2014)
Iraq's second largest city falls to Islamists - fault of the United States? (June 2014)
Iranian Television Interview - American Support to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War (May 2014)
Sectarian violence in Iraq increases - just as predicted (April 2014)
Interview on NPR's The "Takeaway" with John Hockenberry (August 2013)
Foreign Policy Article - Corrections and Clarifications (August 2013)
Iraq "inspects" Iranian cargo aircraft heading for Syria - color me skeptical (April 2013)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
Iraq sides with Iran against U.S. in release of Hizballah terrorist (November 2012)
Obama and his military strategies (September 2012)
President Obama and the "end" of two wars (September 2012)
Civil war in Iraq - not improbable, maybe likely (January 2012)
The resurrection of the caliphate? (January 2012)
Betrayals - Obama and the withdrawal from Iraq (December 2011)
The "Biden-ization" of Iraq? (October 2011)
Iraq - Obama spins another policy failure into a success? (October 2011)
"Who is the Deadliest Warrior?" Aftermath (August 2011)
"Who is the Deadliest Warrior" Episode (August 2011)
American troops to remain in Iraq? Hopefully... (July 2011)
Iraq bows to Iranian pressure to expel MEK (April 2011)
Al-Sadr returns, stronger than ever (January 2011)
The absurdity of arbitrary withdrawal dates (November 2010)
Iraqi parties agree to new government - finally
(November 2010)
Iraq - the consequences of another term for al-Maliki (October 2010)
Obama's address - he still doesn't get it (August 2010)
U.S. combat troops leave Iraq - politics or reason? (August 2010)
Tariq 'Aziz critical of U.S. policy - what a surprise (August 2010)
Differences in the Iraq casualty count - math or politics? (August 2010)
Spain - the cowards who want "justice" (July 2010)
Al-Sadr in Damascus - another step in his journey to rule Iraq? (July 2010)
Interview in Iraqi Kurdish newspaper (June 2010)
Three Al-Qa'idah in Iraq leaders dead - now what? (April 2010)
Iyad 'Alawi - the right choice for Iraq (March 2010)

Date certain withdrawal - always a mistake (December 2009)
Execution of Saddam - in hindsight a good thing (October 2009)
Brzezinski and Talabani comments on Iraqi airspace (September 2009)
Syria - confusing reports and regime stability (September 2009)
Iraqi shoe thower - symptomatic of ingrates (September 2009)
Iraq after the death of 'Abd al-'Aziz al-Hakim (August 2009)
Iraqi government gives in and rebulds blast walls (August 2009)
The Kurds make a play for Kirkuk (June 2009)
Detainee abuse photos - what is wrong with these people? (June 2009)
Ayatollah Muqtada al-Sadr? (May 2009)
Al-Qa'idah in Iraq - "We're still here..." (April 2009)
Obama announces Iraq troop withdrawal plans (February 2009)
Iraqi elections - a step in the return to normalcy?
(February 2009)

Britain to Withdraw Troops from Iraq
(December 2008)
President Bush and the Iraqi Shoe Thrower
(December 2008)
Muqtada al-Sadr - Address the Threat (November 2008)
Iraq-U.S. Troop Withdrawal Agreement - A Bad Deal (November 2008)
Obama's Election - Mixed Reviews in the Region (November 2008)
Former Iraqi general to speak out against Iran
(August 2008)
Muqtada al-Sadr biding his time in Iran
(August 2008)
Muqtada al-Sadr - Let's address the issue
  (August 2008)
Middle East trip an eye-opener for Obama
  (July 2008)
End the war or win the war?
  (July 2008)

Iran concerned about Iraq-U.S. troop agreement
  (June 2008)

"Operation Inform Our Soldiers" – A disgrace  (June 2008)
Response to New York Times Article on Military Analysts  (April 2008)
Byzantium Revisited – More on Iraqi Politics (April 2008)
NBC News Investigation: Can insurgents buy U.S. military uniforms online? (April 2008)
Byzantine Politics - al-Maliki versus al-Sadr  (April 2008)
The fall of Baghdad: Five years later  (April 2008)
Basra clashes may be the acid test of al-Maliki’s government  (March 2008)
Diario de Noticias Interview  (March 2008)
Al-Sadr extends his ceasefire – good choice, Muqtada (February 2008)
Iran's space program - deja vu (February 2008)
Iraq addressed too late in State of the Union (January 2008)
The Iraqis change their flag - again (January 2008)
Military experience, the Presidential campaign and the war in Iraq (January 2008)
An opportunity for reconciliation (December 2007)
Iraqi politicians far behind the power curve  (December 2007)
OPINION - Murtha and Obey: Committed to defeat in Iraq? (November 2007)
Podesta, Korb and Katulis: Long on complaints, short on solutions (November 2007)
The al-Anbar Shaykhs Ask for Funding (November 2007)
What is the favorite wine over at State Department? (October 2007)
Memo to Baghdad: The Turks are serious now (October 2007)
The California National Guard could have prevented fire damage… (October 2007)
Pete Stark is a disgrace - hold him accountable (October 2007)
Resolution on 1915 Genocide - A Bad Idea (October 2007)
Gen. Sanchez should place the blame on himself (October 2007)
Iraq trivia – the white Oldsmobile Cutlass (October 2007)
Ex-Saddam defense minister set to be executed (October 2007)
NBC Worldblog - from Ally to Adversary (October 2007)
It's time for Blackwater to leave Iraq (October 2007)
Keep U.S. troops in Iraq for the long haul (October 2007)
Italy – you brought this on yourselves (September 2007)
Pick a side, Mr Barzani (September 2007)
The war is about oil but it's not that simple (September 2007)
The Webb Amendment - Good Riddance (September 2007)
MSNBC: Live with Dan Abrams (September 2007)
The Petraeus report will make no difference (September 2007)
Syria and Iran need to rethink their choices (August 2007)
Why are we still talking to Iran? (August 2007)
Turkish Invasion of Northern Iraq?  (July 2007)
Two decades later - it's still about Iran (July 2007)
Attacks strike at the heart of the Shia faith (June 2007)
In Iraq, sometimes death is the only justice (June 2007)
Timing of Iran talks insulting to troops (May 2007)
Should Prince Harry even be in the army? (May 2007)
We already have a 'war czar' (May 2007)
Bremer speaks...again (May 2007)
Iran and North Korea to improve relations? (May 2007)
Do the Shi'a Iraqis want a civil war?  (May 2007)
Another step toward civil war in Iraq? (May 2007)
National Guard not in Kansas anymore? (May 2007)
Iraq: Perhaps al-Maliki is the biggest problem (April 2007)
Karbala - Magnet for Sunni Attacks (April 2007)
Breaking faith with the troops (April 2007)
Wrong message, wrong time (April 2007)
"In the name of God..."  (April 2007)
Attacks a direct challenge to the “surge”   (April 2007)
Muqtada al-Sadr – Isn’t it about time we deal with this guy? (April 2007)
Tour length isn't the problem  (April 2007)
Troubled Waters - the Shatt Al-'Arab  (March 2007)
A withdrawal date - bad strategy (March 2007)
Muqtada al-Sadr - a problem not solved (March 2007)
Making sense of a complex war (March 2007)
The Damascus Option (March 2007)
Meeting in Baghdad - why on arba'in? (March 2007)
What happens in Iraq if Talabani can't serve?  (February 2007)
"To care for him who shall have borne the battle"…?  (February 2007)
Senator Reid - Obviously, you can't spell either (February 2007)
Colonel Murtha – can you spell Vietnam? (February 2007)
Non-binding resolution - A cowardly act (February 2007)
Initial thoughts on the Baghdad security operation (February 2007)
Targeting Helicopters in Iraq (February 2007)
Against all enemies - the case of Lt Ehren Watada (February 2007)
Iraq NIE: The outlook is bleak (February 2007)
NBC Today Show - January 30, 2007
The Kurds: Between Iraq and a Hard Place (January 2007)
Iranian Qods Force in Iraq: Treat them like al-Qaida (January 2007)
'Ashurah - Shi'a holy day...and target for the Sunnis (January 2007) 
Surge in Iraq - Treat the disease, not the symptom (January 2007)
Kirkuk - Tinderbox in the north (January 2007)
"Iraq for Land" - This might work, except... (January 2007)
Muqtada Al-Sadr: He has to go (January 2007)
Hoshyar and I - the Iraqi foreign minister on detention of Iranians (January 2007)
Finally, Al-Maliki steps up to the plate (we hope) (Jaunary 2007)
U.S. Troop Surge in Iraq - Over to you Al-Maliki... (January 2007)
The coming battle with the Al-Sadr militia (January 2007)
Iraq and 9/11 Deaths - Faulty Analogies (January 2007)
Iraq: Halabjah Revisted (January 2007)
Robert Fisk - again (January 2007)
The Burial of Saddam Husayn (December 2006)
After Saddam’s execution, outlook for Iraq grim (December 2006)
A personal note on the execution of Saddam Husayn (December 2006)
The coming month in Iraq (December 2006)
Saddam Husayn - The End is Near (December 2006)
Iran - still part of the problem (December 2006)
Iraq Study Group - Iran and Syria part of the problem (December 2006)
Quoted in the St Louis Dispatch  (December 2006)
Iraq Descends into Civil War  (November 2006)
Iraq-Syria: Restoration of Diplomatic Relations (November 2006)
Iraqi Insurgency and the Jihadist Tet?  (October 2006)
Insurgent Parades in Anbar Governorate? (October 2006)
Iraqi prime minister and the militias - ADDENDUM (October 2006)
Iraqi prime minister and the militias (October 2006)
Saddam Husayn Verdict/Sentencing Due November 5  (October 2006)
Declaration of "Islamic Iraq" - ADDENDUM (October 2006)
Declaration of "Islamic Iraq" - precursor to civil war?  (October 2006)
British Army Chief Speaks Out  (October 2006)
Robert Fisk: The Age Of Terror (October 2006)
Kurdistan - Federalism or Independence? (September 2006)
Iraq - Replacement of Iraqi flag with Kurdish flag (September 2006)
No Date for the Insurgents (June 2006)
Two Soldiers Taken Hostage? (Revised) (June 2006)
Al-Qa'idah in Mesopotamia Document (June 2006)
Az-Zarqawi's Fatal Misjudgment  (June 2006)
Haditha and the Sunnis (June 2006)
Baghdad ER: I give it a B- to a B (May 2006)
Iraq's New Government (May 2006)
Saddam Trial - It could get interesting... (May 2006)
Saddam Trial - The Next Phase (May 15) (May 2006)
Iraq: Attack on Shi'a mosque near Ba'qubah (May 2006)
Ramsey Clark on Saddam's Trial (May 2006)
The Az-Zarqawi and Bin Ladin Tapes (April 2006)
Iraq's New Prime Minister - Right Man for the Job? (April 2006)
Saddam Trial - Session 21, April 17 (April 2006)
The Ongoing Trials of Saddam Husayn (April 2006)
Az-Zarqawi Demoted by Al-Qa'idah? (April 2006)
Jill Carroll - Interesting Choice of Words (March 2006)
Iraqi Perspectives Project (March 2006)
Ungrateful Peaceniks Rescued by Coalition Forces (March 2006)
More on Saddam and WMD (March 2006)
"Getting in the way" (March 2006) 
Saddam Husayn Trial: Getting Closer to Actual Evidence (March 2006)
Attack on Major Shi'a Shrine in Samarra' (February 2006)
Saddam Trial - February 14 (February 2006)
Saddam Husayn Trial Resumes (February 2006)
Saddam Husayn - The Trial (February 2006)
Jill Carroll - Perceptions and Reality (January 2006)
Iraqi WMD in Syria? (January 2006)
MSNBC Hardball: War Council (January 2006)
Hardball: American withdrawal and the insurgency (December 2005)
Insurgent Mortar Tactics (November 2005)
Iraqi Demands for American Troops to Depart? (November 2005)
MSNBC - Analysts agree Iraqi vote could be key to future (October 2005)
Francona - Witness for the Defense? (September 2005)
Locals Turn In Az-Zarqawi Fighters (August 2005)
Iraqi Draft Constitution - Sunni Displeasure (August 2005)
MSNBC - Iraqi Prison Camp Escape Tunnel (August 2005)
Constitutional Issues (August 2005)
Saddam Husayn - Martyr for Palestine? (August 2005)
The Chain of Command (August 2005)
Al-Hadithah - Again? (August 2005)
MSNBC - Looking at Saddam's first trial (July 2005)
History and the Charges Against Saddam (June 2005)
Thoughts on the Insurgency – April 2005 (April 2005)
Iraq: Murder along the Rivers (April 2005)
Iraqi Insurgents Watch Al-Jazeera (April 2005)
Al-Jazeera Bureau Office in Iran Closed (April 2005)
Iraq - Abu Ghurayb Attack (April 2005)
My Baghdad (April 2005)
Italy Troop Withdrawal Update (March 2005)
Italy and Iraq – Bad Precedent/Bad Policy (March 2005)
Forming a Coalition Government (March 2005)
Interesting Capture in Iraq (March 2005)
'Ali Al-Sistani - Iraqi Citizen? (March 2005)
Elections, the Sunnis and the Insurgency (January 2005)
It all comes down to oil.... (January 2005)
Disbanding the Iraqi Army - A Mistake (January 2005)
Scowcraft Speaks Out (January 2005)
Elections and Violence (December 2004)
January 2005 Elections Update (December 2004)
Thoughts on the Insurgency (December 2004)
After Al-Fallujah, Before the Elections… (November 2004)
January Elections - Or Not? (November 2004)
Offensive in Samarra' - A Better Plan? (October 2004)
Al-Qa'qa' Explosives - Some Perspectives (October 2004)
"Arabization" Fallout (August 2004)
An-Najaf: Another Lost Opportunity in the Making? (August 2004)
It's not "a" mosque – it's "the" mosque (August 2004)
Prospects for Peace in a Post-Saddam Middle East (May 2003)
Shiite power and Iranian intentions (April 2003)
An Islamic Republic in Iraq? (April 2003)
Iraq’s Shi’a – Prospects for a New Iraq (April 2003)
Once again, the Kurdish wild card (April 2003)
Losing on his own Terms: Saddam's Battle Plan and Why It Didn't Work (April 2003)
Husayn Kamil - Saddam's Son in Law: The Real Story (January 2003)
Iraq – Did the U.S. stop too soon in 1991? (November 2001)
Iran-Iraq: The Role of the Shatt Al-'Arab (June 2001)
Iraq: The Claim to Kuwait (November 1999)


Israeli Airstrike on Iranian Consulate in Damascus Kills Senior Iranian IRGC Leader (April 2024)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda - Season 4" (Netflix 2023) (January 2023)
Movie Review: The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem (Netflix – 2022) (September 2022)
Movie Review: The Operative (Yuval Adler, 2019) (March 2022)
United Arab Emirates and Israel to normalize relations - my thoughts (August 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda - Season 3" (Netflix 2020) (April 2020)
UPDATE: Miniseries Review: "Fauda" (Netflix 2017- ) (February 2020)
Middle East oil pumping stations and military air bases (January 2020)
Movie Review: "Sand Storm" (Netflix - 2016) (October 2019)
The "Israeli Carry" and the new season of Fauda (October 2019)
Miniseries Review: "The Spy" (Netflix - 2019) (October 2019)
Movie Review: "The Red Sea Diving Resort" (Netflix - 2019) (August 2019)
Movie Review: "Operation Finale" (MGM - 2018) (April 2019)
Interview on Israeli I24 NEWS "Perspectives" (January 2019)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda" (Netflix 2017- ) (January 2019)
Movie Review: "The Angel" (Netflix - 2018) (January 2019)
Arabic no longer an official language of the State of Israel - so? (August 2018)
Iran-Israel confrontation in Syria - more to come (February 2018)
Israeli air strike in Syria - no surprise
(December 2016)
Israel believes Syria retained some chemical weapons - no surprise (September 2014)
Gaza - Why it's different this time (July 2014)
Israel prepares for an incursion into Gaza - but will they do it? (July 2014)
A pardon for Jonathan Pollard - a bargaining chip? (March 2014)
Obama's visit to Israel - will this be Pollard's last chance? (February 2013)
Israel-Hamas ceasefire - too soon to have lasting effects (November 2012)
Israel and Gaza - here we go again (November 2012)
Sderot, Israel - "Rocket City" opens new school (August 2012)
Obama, Peres and Pollard - any "flexibility?" (April 2012)
Semantics, politics and Iran's nuclear weapons program (March 2012)
Israeli leaders depart without spy Pollard - good! (March 2012)
The coming nuclear arms race in the Middle East (December 2011)
The IAEA's useless condemnation of Iran (November 2011)
Iran, the IAEA and Israel - convergence coming? (November 2011)
Upgraded weapons in the Gaza Strip (November 2011)
The Shalit release deal - setting up the next seizure (October 2011)
The MV Mavi Marmara in the Golden Horn (October 2011)
Iranian warships in the Mediterranean - deal with it (February 2011)
Raze the Shepherd Hotel for settlements? Symptomatic.... (January 2011)
Israeli espionage devices in Lebanon - I'm shocked! (December 2010)
Israeli security and American illusions (November 2010)
Hizballah and Scuds - an Israeli red line (October 2010)
Release a traitor in exchange for a settlement freeze? (September 2010)
Middle East peace within the year - really? (September 2010)
Saudis deny airspace open for Israeli attack on Iran (June 2010)
Iranian commandos to escort aid ships to Gaza? (June 2010)
The "freedom flotilla" and world outrage (June 2010)
Israel's underwater wild card (June 2010)
Rocket hits Jordan - whodunit? (April 2010)
Scuds for Hizballah - a game changer (April 2010)
Hizballah - A Greater Threat To Israel Than Ever (February 2010)
Israel's Military Option for Iran - "When" not "If" (January 2010)
Israeli withdrawal from al-Ghajar - no impact (December 2009)
FBI arrests group seeking arms for "the Resistance" (November 2009)
US again fails to restart Middle East peace talks (October 2009)
Brzezinski and Talabani comments on Iraqi airspace
(September 2009)
Druze cross Syrian-Israeli border - that's change
(September 2009)
Israeli settlements expansion and prospects for peace (September 2009)
Hizballah fully rearmed - is anyone surprised? (August 2009)
Iran proposes no-attack agreement (August 2009)
Israel and the Golan Heights - missing the big picture? (July 2009)
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran – not so far-fetched
(July 2009)
Syria threatens to take Golan from Israel (July 2009)
Mish'al and Obama - talking past each other? (June 2009)
Israelis give Palestinian forces more control (June 2009)
Return of an American ambassador to Syria (June 2009)
Netanyahu and Obama - let the tap-dance begin (May 2009)
Hey Israel, give Ghajar back to Lebanon
(May 2009)
Quoted in Turkish Newspaper (April 2009)
Weapons in a mosque in Qalqiliyah - surprise?
(April 2009)
Israeli coalition building (February 2009)
Hizballah has the "right" to air defense weapons?
(February 2009)
Exanded Israeli settlements on the West Bank
(February 2009)
Syrian Air and the Israeli elections
(February 2009)
Israeli Elections - And they're off.... (February 2009)
Changing Power Paradigm in the Middle East
(February 2009)
Israel's Anti-Terrorist Fence - Long Term Solution?
(February 2009)
Israeli debate over Iran's nuclear program
(January 2009)

Obama and Syria - the Asad Test
(December 2008)
MiG-29 Fighters for Lebanon? (December 2008)
Middle East trip an eye-opener for Obama
  (July 2008)
Iran missile test sends defiant message to West
  (July 2008)
Iran - Israel's Air Strike Options Update   (June 2008)
Hamas and Israel - Truce or Consequences?
(June 2008)
Peace between Syria and Israel? (May 2008)
Carter's Hamas meeting comes at bad time
(April 2008)

Gaza and Israel: This round goes to Hamas (February 2008)
Israelis ask for release of Jonathan Pollard - again (January 2008)
HAMAS seeks a ceasefire - why? (December 2007)
Israel and the NIE – a different perspective (December 2007)
What role will Syria play at peace conference? (November 2007)
The Israeli air strike in Syria - what the target wasn’t.... (September 2007)
Bombs for Syria – a message for Iran (September 2007)
The war is about oil but it's not that simple (September 2007)
Fear of Iran creates strange bedfellows  (August 2007)
In dealing with Iran, what is Israel's strategy?  (July 2007)
Italian resolve on Iran – who knew? (July 2007)
Is Gaza this summer's Lebanon? (June 2007)
Israeli Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientist (February 2007)
Analysis - Israeli plans for attack on Iranian nuclear facilities (January 2007)
Israeli Intelligence Agencies - Two Views of Syria (December 2006)
Israel's Nuclear Weapons (December 2006)
Israel Seeks More Aerial Refueling Capability  (November 2006)
Gaza - the next Lebanon? (November 2006)
Iran - "Existential Threat" to the State of Israel - ADDENDUM (November 2006)
Israel's Security Fence (November 2006)
Israel: Is There a Peace Process Anymore? (October 2006)
The Iran-Hamas Connection - Why? (July 2006)
HAMAS, Israel, Syria, Iran – Pieces of the Same Puzzle (June 2006)
Israeli Targeted Killing of Ad-Dahduh (May 2006)
Iran - Israel's Air Strike Options (March 2006)
Israel-U.S.: Larry Franklin Sentenced to 12 Years (January 2006)
Gaza Withdrawal: Mahmud 'Abbas Comments (August 2005)
Israeli Assassination of Hamas Leader in Syria (August 2004)
The Arrow-2 Missile and the Iranian Threat (July 2004)
Early American Support for the Establishment of Israel (July 2001)
Southern Lebanon (from The Politics of Water series, March 2001) 
The Balfour Declaration (from the Secret Agreements series, October 2000)
The Golan Heights (from The Politics of Water series, August 2000)
Jerusalem - Religion and Politics (January 2000)


Israel-Hamas Conflicts (2008-2009 and 2014)
In Gaza, Hamas is on the ropes (August 2014)
Israel and Gaza - here we go again (2014 Update) (July 2014)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route - UPDATE (April 2009)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route (March 2009)
Hamas and Iran meetings - no surprises here
March 2009)

The Cairo talks - it just gets better and better...(February 2009)
Israel-Hamas truce - not even close
(February 2009)
Hey Hamas - Do you want Netanyahu as prime minister?
(February 2009)
Israel-Palestinians: The "no solution" solution (January 2009)
Hamas violates and proposes a ceasfire
(January 2009)

Sderot - Israel's "Rocket City" (January 2009)
The Gaza Campaign - Part Two (January 2009)
The Gaza Campaign - Part One (January 2009)
Reconstructing Gaza - the battle for hearts and minds
(January 2009)

Ceasefire in Gaza? (January 2009)
The Israeli debate over what to do now in Gaza (January 2009)
Israeli troops move while diplomats talk (January 2009)
Why is Tony Blair so optimistic (January 2009)
Hamas's miscalculations (January 2009)
Israel's Next Moves in Gaza (January 2009)
Damascus - Nexus of Terrorism (January 2009)

What if the UN called a ceasfire... (January 2009)
Turkey a good choice to lead Gaza force
(January 2009)
Gaza:French-Egyptian truce proposal falls short
(January 2009)
An International Force for Gaza
(January 2009)
Palestinian President 'Abbas Calls for Ceaseire
(January 2009)
Israeli troops focus on the "launch basket"
(January 2009)
Hamas - The Iranian Connection
(January 2009)
Conditions for a ceasefire in Gaza
(January 2009)
An Israeli gound incursion into Gaza? (January 2009)
Learning the lessons of Lebanon 2006
(January 2009)
A four-day truce in Gaza? Just say no
(December 2008)

The Israeli Attacks on Gaza (December 2008)
The Coming Battle for Gaza (December 2008)


Israel-Lebanon-Hizballah Conflict (2006)

Lebanon-Israel: Nasrallah Makes it Clear
Israel Agrees to Lift Blockade of Lebanon???
Jesse Jackson, the captured Israeli soldiers, and the Syrians
Lebanon-Israel: And the two captured Israeli soldiers?
"The Sixth War"
The disarming of Hizballah? - (updated)
UNSCR 1701 - Deferment of the Problem
MSNBC.com Articles - August 10
Lebanon-Israel: Shake-up in the IDF; France caves in
Lebanese Army to Move South?
Syria - armed forces on alert
Hizballah's Zelzal Rocket - Target: Tel Aviv
Hizballah's Kkaybar-1 Rocket (Update)
IDF Changes Tactics – Finally 
Strange Bedfellows
Israel-Hizballah: What's Next?
Iran-Hizballah-Hamas Coordination
Israel-Hizballah: Moving towards a ceasefire?
The Shaba' Farms - Hizballah's Fig Leaf 
Quoted in the St Louis Post-Dispatch
Israel-Hezbollah: Preparing the battlefield
Hezbollah and Hamas - the Iranian connection
Scarborough Country Special - July 16
Israeli Attempts to Cut Off Route to Iran
And now Hizballah enters the fray....
HAMAS, Israel, Syria, Iran – Pieces of the Same Puzzle


Amatuer hour in Amman (April 2021)
Middle East oil pumping stations and military air bases (January 2020)
The death of Lieutenant Mu'az al-Kasasbah - some thoughts (February 2015)
Jordan to exchange suicide bomber for its pilot - professional opinion and personal comment (January 2015)
Downing of a Jordanian fighter aircraft and ISIS capture of the pilot
(December 2014)
ISIS map indicates intentions in the Levant (June 2014)
URGENT - ISIS seizes almost all Iraq-Syrian-Jordanian border crossings
(June 2014)
A new landscape in the Middle East (February 2011)

Rocket hits Jordan - whodunit? (April 2010)
Did the President really say Al-Qa'idah is "hunkered down?" (January 2010)
Jordan loses a soldier in Afghanistan (January 2010)
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran – not so far-fetched (July 2009)
Hamas Operation in Jordan - Why? (April 2006)
The Golan Heights (from The Politics of Water series, August 2000)
Jerusalem - Religion and Politics (January 2000)
Jordan - Historical Perspectives on the Hashemites (May 1999)


Defense Department Linguist Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison (June 2021)
Middle East oil pumping stations and military air bases (January 2020)
Movie Review: "Beirut" (Radar Pictures - 2018) (April 2019)
The deal to relocate ISIS fighters to eastern Syria actually makes sense (August 2017)
Iran - time to intervene in Syria? (May 2013)
Al-Hariri indictments - Lebanon to arrest Hizbllah members??? (August 2011)
The nexus of Syria's protests and Hizballah's future (June 2011)
Lebanon "falls" to Hizballah (June 2011)
A new landscape in the Middle East (February 2011)
Lebanon - failure of American leadership (January 2011)
Collapse of the Lebanese government - prelude to war? (January 2011)
Israeli espionage devices in Lebanon - I'm shocked! (December 2010)
Syria flexes it muscles in "the province" of Lebanon (October 2010)

Iranian president visits "the colony" of Lebanon (October 2010)
Hizballah and Scuds - an Israeli red line (October 2010)
Syrian influence returning to Lebanon (September 2010)
Lebanese wine - from the area that gave you Hizballah (September 2010)
ADDENDUM to: Lebanon - Let's not overreact (August 2010)
Lebanon - let's not overreact (August 2010)
Demonstrations against UN troops in Lebanon - Hizballah's next step (July 2010)
Syria arming Hizballah - is this news to anyone? (June 2010)
Brennan wants to "build up moderate elements" of Hizballah? (May 2010)
A secular Lebanon? Doubtful (April 2010)
No Scuds for Hizballah - just "the usual rockets" (April 2010)
Scuds for Hizballah - a game changer (April 2010)
Hizballah - A Greater Threat To Israel Than Ever (February 2010)
Israeli withdrawal from al-Ghajar - no impact (December 2009)
Hizballah - the key power broker in Lebanon (December 2009)

FBI arrests group seeking arms for "the Resistance" (November 2009)
Hizballah fully rearmed - is anyone surprised? (August 2009)
Hey Israel, give Ghajar back to Lebanon
(May 2009)
Hizballah has the "right" to air defense weapons?
(February 2009)
MiG-29 Fighters for Lebanon?
(December 2008)
Michel Aoun: A Lebanese Politician Faces Reality (December 2008)
Hizballah's Nasrallah says what we knew all along...
(September 2008)
Potential for a new civil war in Lebanon?
(May 2007)

Syria-Lebanon: New Syrian Military Intelligence Chief (February 2005)
Rafiq Al-Hariri Assassination - A Syrian Hand? (February 2005)
Southern Lebanon (from The Politics of Water series, March 2001)


Interesting Syrian Air Force Flight Activity (February 2023)
What does withdrawal of US troops from Iraq mean? - American military expert explains (July 2020)
The capture of Ahmad Abu Khatallah - what took us so long? (June 2014)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
Let's get past the sex and concentrate on Benghazi (November 2012)
Libya and the "October surprise" (October 2012)
Obama and his military strategies (September 2012)
Benghazi - spontaneous demonstration or planned attack (September 2012)
US Ambassador to Libya killed - the response? (September 2012)
The "Lockerbie bomber dead" - more questions than answers (May 2012)
The ICC and Sayf al-Islam al-Qadhafi - not so fast! (April 2012)
Libyan militia desecrates WWII cemetery in Banghazi (March 2012)
The resurrection of the caliphate? (January 2012)
Mu'amar al-Qadhafi dead in Libya - what took so long? (October 2011)
Libya: Finally, but what now? (August 2011)
Obama's puzzling military strategy in Libya (May 2011)
Confusing signs from DC - support for the Libyan opposition (April 2011)
Reality strikes - Libya rebels plead for foreign forces (April 2011)
The key to success in Libya - fire NATO (April 2011)
Libya and the abdication of leadership (April 2011)
Mr. Obama - please define our mission in Libya (March 2011)
Operation Odyssey Dawn - who's on first? (March 2011)
Libya - Is UNSCR 1973 too little, too late? (March 2011)
Libya - an American and European disgrace (March 2011)
In defense of Director of National Intelligence Clapper (March 2011)
Libya: No Fly Zone or Qadhafi (March 2011)
No-Fly Zone Libya - some considerations (March 2011)
Thoughts on the release of the "Lockerbie bomber" (August 2009)


Movie Review – Snowden (Oliver Stone – 2016)
Defense Department Linguist Sentenced to 23 Years in Prison (June 2021)
NSA leaker Reality Winner released from prison – now what? (June 2021)
Movie Review: Security Risk (Allied Artists, 1954) (March 2021)
Department of Defense Linguist Charged with Espionage – A Spy Story (March 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Rise of Empires: Ottoman" (Netflix - 2020) (January 2020)
Swiss cryptographic firm was an American and German intelligence front (February 2020)
Movie Review: "Escape from Zahrain" (Paramount,1962) (November 2019)
Caring (or not) for our veterans - a national disgrace (November 2019)
Some thoughts on Bastille Day (July 2019)
Another intelligence analyst betrays his country - collusion with a reporter? (May 2019)
The indictment of former Air Force intelligence specialist Monica Elfriede Witt (February 2019)
President George H.W. Bush (1924-2018) - my one interaction (November 2018)
Memorial Day 2018 (May 2018)
Memorial Day - 2017 (May 2017)
Possible Secretary of Defense nominee Jim Mattis - finally, a wartime consigliere (November 2016)
Is Mike Pompeo the best choice to lead the CIA? (November 2016)
Intelligence reporting tailored to fit the Obama narrative? (August 2016)
Classified information on Hillary Clinton's private email server - how did it get there? (September 2015)
The Christie - Paul clash: some clarification for the Senator (August 2015)
Memorial Day 2015 (May 2015)
The new Secretary of Defense - we need a "wartime consigliere" (December 2014)
Francona: Putin's real end game in Ukraine (July 2014)
Memorial Day 2014 (May 2014)
Memorial Day 2013 (May 2013)
President Obama's new leadership picks and the Middle East (January 2013)
General Norman Schwarzkopf (1934-2012) (December 2012)
Julian Assange, PFC Bradley Manning and the Middle East (August 2012)
Chasing Demons from the Middle East to the Balkans (July 2012)
Intelligence and the Obama Administration - Amateur Hour? (June 2012)
Memorial Day 2012 (May 2012)
Obama and the Middle East - Worse than Bush? (July 2011)
Memorial Day 2011 (May 2011)
Tunisia - a snapshot of the future? (January 2011)
Colonel David Lemon, U.S. Army (Retired) 1940-2010 (October 2010)
The Fourteenth Amendment...it's not all about the Hispanics (August 2010)
NASA to reach out to Muslim world (July 2010)
Memorial Day - 2010 (May 2010)

Presentation in Sequim, Washington (September 2009)
Memorial Day 2009
(May 2009)
Pentagon IG Clears Military Analyst Program-UPDATE
(May 2009)

Pentagon IG Clears Military Analyst Program (April 2009)
DHS Targets Our Middle East Veterans (April 2009)
Featured in a new book (March 2009)
Does the State Department have any competent Russian linguists?
(March 2009)
Obama's Election - Mixed Reviews in the Region (November 2008)
Memo to President Admadihejad: "Nuclear weapons are militarily useless"
(November 2008)

Memorial Day 2008
(May 2008)

Soldier refuses to deploy to Iraq (May 2008)
Response to Rumsfeld Luncheon Reports (May 2008)
Response to New York Times Article on Military Analysts  (April 2008)
NBC News Investigation: Can insurgents buy U.S. military uniforms online? (April 2008)
Hillary and the snipers (March 2008)
Buying French tankers a poor decision (March 2008)
A subtle message to the bad guys.... (February 2008)
A new D/DNI for Collection - when are we going to learn? (January 2008)
Arab names and homeland security (January 2008)
Military experience, the Presidential campaign and the war in Iraq (January 2008)
Conscientious Objector or Fraud? (January 2008)
An opportunity for reconciliation (December 2007)
The Iran NIE: the British weigh in against American estimate (December 2007)
Israel and the NIE – a different perspective (December 2007)
A bad week for the intelligence community (December 2007)
Podesta, Korb and Katulis: Long on complaints, short on solutions (November 2007)
Sanchez speaks out again (November 2007)
The California National Guard could have prevented fire damage… (October 2007)
Resolution on 1915 Genocide - A Bad Idea (October 2007)
The Webb Amendment - Good Riddance (September 2007)
Dutch Priest - Call God "Allah"  (August 2007)
General Wayne Downing (1940-2007) (July 2007)
New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (June 2007)
'On behalf of a grateful nation' (May 2007)
Should Prince Harry even be in the army? (May 2007)
National Guard not in Kansas anymore? (May 2007)
Who is an Arab? (April 2007)
Palestinian sense of entitlement (March 2007)
More US troops to Afghanistan - What of NATO? (February 2007)
Against all enemies - the case of Lt Ehren Watada (February 2007)
Former DCI Bob Gates - New Secretary of Defense (November 2006)
Defense Language Institute Hall of Fame (November 2006)
Mike Hayden to be Director, CIA? (May 2006)
MSNBC Hardball - Port Issue (March 2006)
Gore Decries Treatment of Arabs Post 9-11 (February 2006)
Of Actors and Analysts (February 2006) 
MSNBC Hardball: War Council (January 2006)
Gaza Withdrawal: Mahmud 'Abbas Comments (August 2005)
CIA Agent? Let's get the terminology straight... (July 2005)
MSNBC - Francona on Intelligence Sharing (June 2005)
NBC News - "CD serves as ‘cookbook’ for rogue terrorists" (May 2005)
'Ashurah - Shi'a Holy Commemoration (February 2005)
Usamah Bin Ladin - Alive and Well (October 2004)
Afghanistan - Define the U.S. National Interest (August 2004)
Israeli Assassination of Hamas Leader in Syria (August 2004)
Sudan/Darfur: Clearing Up Some Misconceptions (August 2004)
National Intelligence Director – Addendum (August 2004)
A Director of National Intelligence? (July 2004)
Prospects for Peace in a Post-Saddam Middle East (May 2003)
Al-Jazeera - The CNN of the Middle East (October 2001)
The Arab League (September 2001)
Shi'a Islam and Politics (June 2001)
The Gulf Cooperation Council (May 2000)



The Bowe Bergdahl exchange - a mixed blessing (June 2014)
A man left behind - "Zero Dark Thirty" and the Pakistani doctor (February 2013)
Breaking faith: the CIA and the Pakistani doctor (May 2012)
Pakistan - part of the problem, not the solution (November 2011)
Pakistan - our "ally" (June 2011)
Usamah Bin Ladin (1957 – 2011) (May 2011)
Pakistan's release of CIA contractor a sensible solution (March 2011)
The Taliban and Pakistani intelligence - longtime allies (October 2010)
The Ron Insana Show - comments (October 2010)
Some leaked documents a breath of fresh air (July 2010)
Faisal Shahzad - a Taliban throwaway? (May 2010)
Times Square and the Pakistan connection (May 2010)
Legal Justification for Drone-Launched Missile Strikes (March 2010)
Three Afghan Taliban leaders captured - a shift in the ISI? (February 2010)
Did the President really say Al-Qa'idah is "hunkered down?" (January 2010)
Taliban analysis of the Obama speech (December 2009)
Pakistan launches its offensive - a good sign (October 2009)
Should we re-assess the U.S. role in Afghanistan? (August 2009)

A sound Obama policy - missile strikes in Pakistan (July 2009)
A good sign in Pakistan - we hope (June 2009)
Al-Qa'idah on the run - again (June 2009)
Can Pakistan's forces take on the Taliban?
  (May 2009)
Aid to Pakistan - Senator Levin gets it right (March 2009)
Pakistan caves to the militants (February 2009)
Pakistan releases AQ Khan - how about some answers?
(February 2009)
New Pakistan policy risky – but necessary
(September 2008)
Uncertainty rises after Musharraf’s departure
(August 2008)
Charlie Wilson's War
(January 2008)

Hopes of democracy dashed in Pakistan (December 2007)
Pakistan singled out for special treatment? (November 2007)
Pakistan – Do we support Musharraf or risk the alternative?  (November 2007)
Benazir Bhutto’s return to Pakistan – a crisis or the solution? (October 2000)
Pakistan’s safe haven may need surge operation (July 2007)
Pakistan - Do you remember Cambodia 1970? (March 2007)
British airliner terror plot: a Pakistani connection (August 2006)
President Bush in Pakistan - Why? (March 2006)
Pakistan: One Bullet Away... (January 2006)
Pakistan and Musharraf: America's Ironic Allies (August 2004)


Miniseries Review: "Fauda - Season 4" (Netflix 2023) (January 2023)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda - Season 3" (Netflix 2020) (April 2020)
Movie Review: "Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears" (Acorn TV - 2020) (March 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda" (Netflix 2017- ) (January 2019)
Arabic no longer an official language of the State of Israel - so? (August 2018)
Gaza - Why it's different this time (July 2014)
Israel prepares for an incursion into Gaza - but will they do it? (July 2014)
Israel-Hamas ceasefire - too soon to have lasting effects (November 2012)
Israel and Gaza - here we go again (November 2012)
Sderot, Israel - "Rocket City" opens new school (August 2012)
Upgraded weapons in the Gaza Strip (November 2011)
The Shalit release deal - setting up the next seizure (October 2011)
Raze the Shepherd Hotel for settlements? Symptomatic.... (January 2011)
Middle East peace within the year - really? (September 2010)
The "freedom flotilla" and world outrage (June 2010)
US again fails to restart Middle East peace talks (October 2009)
Israeli settlements expansion and prospects for peace (September 2009)
Thoughts on the release of the "Lockerbie bomber" (August 2009)
Mish'al and Obama - talking past each other? (June 2009)
Israelis give Palestinian forces more control (June 2009)
Weapons in a mosque in Qalqiliyah - surprise? (April 2009)
Exanded Israeli settlements on the West Bank (February 2009)
Israel's Anti-Terrorist Fence - Long Term Solution? (February 2009)
Hamas - The Iranian Connection (January 2009)
Hamas and Israel - Truce or Consequences? (June 2008)
Carter's Hamas meeting comes at bad time (April 2008)
Gaza and Israel: This round goes to Hamas (February 2008)
HAMAS seeks a ceasefire - why? (December 2007)
Is Gaza this summer's Lebanon? (June 2007)
Palestinian sense of entitlement (March 2007)
Gaza - the next Lebanon?
(November 2006)

Israel's Security Fence (November 2006)
The Iran-Hamas Connection - Why? (July 2006)
HAMAS, Israel, Syria, Iran – Pieces of the Same Puzzle (June 2006)
Israeli Targeted Killing of Ad-Dahduh (May 2006)
Hamas Operation in Jordan - Why? (April 2006)
Gaza Withdrawal: Mahmud 'Abbas Comments (August 2005)
Israeli Assassination of Hamas Leader in Syria (August 2004)



Qatar revamps curriculum - indoctrination to education (May 2010)


Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia and China nuclear cooperation - is Riyadh seeking nukes? (August 2020)
Since you asked: How do you pronounce the name Khashoggi? (November 2018)
ADDENDUM - Amateur Hour in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia to admit killing Jamal Khashoggi (October 2018)
Amateur Hour in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia to admit killing Jamal Khashoggi (October 2018)
At American urging, Saudis to investigate Yemen airstrike - we know the results (August 2018)
Saudi Arabia - King Salman names his son as crown prince
(June 2017)
New Saudi ambassador the United States - another al-Sudayri in a power position (April 2017)
REDUX: "Fallout of a bad nuclear deal with Iran" & "The nuclear deal with Iran - the view from Riyadh" (July 2015)
Saudi Arabia - the resurgence of the al-Sudayri clan
(April 2015)
Yemen - do the Houthis want to talk?
The nuclear deal with Iran - the view from Riyadh
(April 2015)
Fallout of a bad nuclear deal with Iran
(March 2015)
Naming of new Saudi deputy crown prince - future crisis averted?
(January 2015)
Saudi King 'Abdullah's illness highlights looming succession issue (January 2015)
ISIS map indicates intentions in the Levant
(June 2014)
Saudi Arabia succession issue - it's coming....
(March 2014)
The Russians are coming...with our (unwitting?) help (March2014)
Saudi Arabia - driving and virginity.... (October 2012)
Just when you think the Saudis have learned.... (December 2011)
The coming nuclear arms race in the Middle East (December 2011)
Death of Saudi Crown Prince highlights succession issue (October 2011)
The Qods Force plot to kill the Saudi Ambassador - Amateur Hour? (October 2011)
Women driving in Saudi Arabia? I give up (May 2011)
Wikileaks documents show Iran a major concern (November 2010)
Saudi succession issue looming (November 2010)
Saudi intelligence warnings - seriously? (October 2010)
Sale of F-15's to Saudi Arabia a start, but not the solution (August 2010)
The Fourteenth Amendment...it's not all about the Hispanics (August 2010)
Saudis deny airspace open for Israeli attack on Iran (June 2010)
Qatar revamps curriculum - indoctrination to education
Saudi frustrations with Obama's foreign policy failures (May 2010)

Unemployed Saudi youth - a time bomb (April 2010)
Off to the races - Saudi Arabia to develop nuclear energy (April 2010)
Saudi Arabia - What century are we in here? (April 2010)
U.S. arms sales and deployments to the Gulf - interesting timing (February 2010)
Perspective on Yemen's recent violence (November 2009)
Saudi Arabia's first coed university - really? (September 2009)
Saudis give nod to Israeli raid on Iran – not so far-fetched (July 2009)
Iran and Obama - the view from Riyadh (April 2009)
On Saudi customs - bowing, kissing and holding hands....
(April 2009)
Saudi king orders long overdue reforms (February 2009)
The war is about oil but it's not that simple
(September 2007)

Saudis less trusting of America these days (August 2007)
Saudi Terrorism Arrests Demonstrate Capabilities (April 2007)
Gulf Arabs draw a red line against Iran  (March 2007)
Gore Decries Treatment of Arabs Post 9-11 (February 2006)
Pre-9/11 Warning to Saudis - Some Perspective (December 2005)
The Saudis: Why They Are Not Liking Us? (September 2005)
Ambassador Prince Bandar Resigns (July 2005)
'Abdullah - The Man Who Will Be King (May 2005)
Saudi Arabia – The Next Target for Al-Qa’idah? (December 2004)
The Conversion of James "Youssef" Yee (October 2003)
Battlefield Conversions (October 2002)
The House of Sa'ud (November 1999)


Secret Agreements - The Legacy of the Middle East

The Balfour Declaration (October 2000)
The Sykes-Picot Agreement (September 2000)
The Husayn-McMahon Correspondence (September 2000)


Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visits Syria - on a Russian Air Force jet (December 2018)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route - UPDATE (April 2009)
Air strike in Sudan hits old arms route
(March 2009)

Sudan/Darfur: Clearing Up Some Misconceptions (August 2004)



Israeli Airstrike on Iranian Consulate in Damascus Kills Senior Iranian IRGC Leader (April 2024)
Interesting Syrian Air Force Flight Activity (February 2023)
Movie Review: The Swimmers (Netflix - 2022) (January 2023)
Syria resumes sanctioned flights from Iran that US says are carrying weapons (April 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Caliphate" (Netflix - 2020) (March 2020)
Russian airstrike on Turkish troops in Syria - predictable and avoidable. Now what? (February 2020)
Middle East oil pumping stations and military air bases (January 2020)
QUOTED: After the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - what are the repercussions for ISIS? (October 2019)
Erdoğan demands the United States extradite Syrian Kurdish leader to Turkey (October 2019)
Syria and Turkey - the NATO realities (October 2019)
Trump, Turkey, and the Kurds - a study in perfidy (October 2019)
Miniseries Review: "The Spy" (Netflix - 2019) (October 2019)
Turkish security zone in Syria - not so fast, Sultan Erdoğan (August 2019)
Erdoğan threatens to invade Syria - this time he just might (August 2019)
U.S. to leave 400 troops in Syria - is it enough? (February 2019)
Repentant "ISIS bride" wants to return to the United States (February 2019)
Interview on Israeli I24 NEWS "Perspectives" (January 2019)
Trump threatens Turkey's economy if it attacks Kurds (January 2019)
Turkey now wants U.S. support to defeat ISIS? (January 2019)
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visits Syria - on a Russian Air Force jet (December 2018)
Turkey and the fight against ISIS - whose side are you on? I ask again... (December 2018)
American envoy: US Support to Syrian Kurds is "temporary" (December 2018)
Syrian S-300 Update #2 - the Russians "dumb down" the weapon system (October 2018)
Syrian S-300 Update - It's likely three S-300PM battalions (October 2018)
Humaymim or Khmeimim Air Base - what's in a name? (October 2018)
Syria to receive S-300 air defense system from Russia (September 2018)
Thoughts on the coming battle for Idlib (September 2018)
Iranian defense minister in Damascus - the Syrian situation map (August 2018)
Palestinian refugee pecking order - and a bad translation.... (May 2018)
Notional message from Russian commander to President Bashar al-Asad on chemical attack (April 2018)
What are Erdoğan's intentions after the fall of 'Afrin? (March 2018)
Ceasefire in Syria's East Ghutah was never going to happen (February 2018)
Iran-Israel confrontation in Syria - more to come (February 2018)
The Turks and the Kurds - creating a self-fulfilling prophecy
(February 2018)
Turkey - Operation Olive Branch: how far will they go? (January 2018)
Syria - the coming showdown between the United States and Turkey (January 2018)
Syrian rebels attack Russian air base - a wake up call (January 2018)
Russia to withdraw troops from Syria? Hardly.... (Decmber 2017)
American presence in post-ISIS Syria - not likely (November 2017)
Turkish and Iraqi cooperation against the Kurds (October 2017)
The impending fall of al-Raqqah - then what? (October 2017)
Syrian and Iraqi coordinated operations against ISIS (September 2017)
The Syrian-SDF assault on Dayr al-Zawr - a cooperative effort? (September 2017)
The deal to relocate ISIS fighters to eastern Syria actually makes sense (August 2017)
The fight against the Islamic State grinds on…. (August 2017)
Iranian Air Force operations in Syria's Idlib governorate (August 2017)
A ceasefire in southwest Syria - genesis of a Trump Administration policy on Syria?
(July 2017)
After the recapture of Mosul, what's next? (July 2017)
Syria - Would Bashar al-Asad use chemical weapons again? (June 2017)
U.S. downing of Syrian Air Force aircraft - why are the Syrians attacking the SDF? (June 2017)
An alliance between the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Syrian government? (June 2017)
Syrian regime gains in southeastern Syria - another blow to the opposition (May 2017)
Russian parade in Syria shows off some of their equipment (May 2017)
Russian military police as monitors in Syrian safe zones? Seriously? (May 2017)
"De-escalation" zones in Syria - call me skeptical (May 2017)
French government evaluation of Syrian chemical weapons attack (April 2017)
Turkey and the fight against ISIS - whose side are you on? (April 2017)
Syrian Air Force moves its remaining fighter jets to Russian-controlled air base (April 2017)
Idlib Governorate - the next Syrian offensive (April 2017)
Secretary of State Tillerson visit to Moscow - my initial readout (April 2017)
Reaction to Syrian chemical attack on Khan Shaykhun - the American calculus (April 2017)
Syrian Democratic Forces assault on al-Tabaqah - opening shots in the liberation of al-Raqqah (March 2017)
Russian and American cooperation in Syria - a policy change? (March 2017)
SYRIA: Has Turkey been marginalized and the Americans thrust into the fight? (March 2017)
American combat troops to Syria? Not so fast.... (February 2017)
The Astana talks - President Trump's first foreign policy challenge? (January 2017)
Syrian political talks in Astana - why Bashar al-Asad has little to fear (January 2017)
U.S. Air Force strike on Al-Qa'idah affiliate headquarters in Syria (January 2017)
Increased ISIS terror attacks - symptom of the impending loss of it's capital cities (January 2017)
Implications of crash of the Russian Air Force aircraft en route Syria (December2016)
After the fall of Aleppo, what next? (December 2016)
More U.S. troops to Syria - a showdown with the Turks? (December 2016)
Israeli air strike in Syria - no surprise (December 2016)
The coming assault on al-Raqqah - a political minefield (October 2016)
Syrian and Egyptian intelligence chiefs meet in Cairo - a smart play by Putin (October 2016)
Aleppo - the impotence of American diplomacy (October 2016)
American-Russian cooperation in Syria - what could go wrong? (September 2016)
Comments on the Syrian Ceasefire (September 2016)
The impending showdown in Syria's skies (August 2016)
Putin and Erdogan rapprochement - what happens to Syria? (August 2016)
Russian Air Force targeting hospitals - war crimes, Mr. Kerry? (July 2016)
Kerry - Lavrov talks in Moscow on Syria - why the secrecy? (July 2016)
Syria: The impending fall of Aleppo (April 2016)
President Obama orders 250 more American troops to Syria - what's the plan? (April 2016)
Truce in Syria collapses as pro-regime forces move on Aleppo (April 2016)
B-52 deployment to the Middle East - let's drop the term "carpet bombing"
(April 2016)
The fall of Palmyra - ISIS on the run? (March 2016)
Russia to withdraw troops from Syria - a sham? (March 2016)
Syria: Cessation of hostilities - was John Kerry outplayed? (February 2016)
The U.S.-Russia brokered ceasefire in Syria - are we being naive? (February 2016)
ISIS deadly attacks in regime areas of Syria - no ceasefire in sight (February 2016)
The inevitable fall of Aleppo - a turning point? (February 2016)
U.S. to deploy "specialized expeditionary targeting force" to combat ISIS - mission creep? (December 2015)
REDUX: Is it time to reassess our policy (assuming we have one) in Syria?
(November 2015)
CNN Opinon - How to defeat ISIS (November 2015)
Pentagon proposes American "boots on the ground" in Syria and Iraq
(October 2015)
The proxy war between the United States and Russia heats up
(October 2015)
Turkish jets down Russian drone - what happened? (October 2015)
Initial Russian air and cruise missile strikes prepare the way for Syrian ground operations (October 2015)
Russian airstrikes in Syria - the coming confrontation with the United States (September 2015)
Secretary of State Kerry - Russian aircraft in Syria are "basically force protection" (September 2015)
Is it time to reassess our policy (assuming we have one) in Syria? (September 2015)
Russian intervention in Syria - what is the endgame? (September 2015)
Is your government lying to you about the war against ISIS? (August 2015)
U.S. and Turkey to launch "comprehensive" operation against ISIS (August 2015)
US Air Force F-16's finally deploy to Turkish air base - it's about time (August 2015)
Turks to allow coalition access to Turkish air base - finally (July 2015)
Syrian regime might use chemical weapons - how is that possible?
(June 2015)
The Kurds - key to success against "The Islamic State?" (June 2015)
Why is American airpower not stopping ISIS? (March 2015)
Arab children "playing ISIS" - the sickness spreads (March 2015)
The UAE Air Force returns to the skies over Syria (February 2015)
The death of Lieutenant Mu'az al-Kasasbah - some thoughts (February 2015)
Jordan to exchange suicide bomber for its pilot - professional opinion and personal comment (January 2015)
Syrian regime recruits Sunni tribes - a page from the American playbook (January 2015)
The confluence of Charlie Hebdo, al-Qa'idah and ISIS (January 2015)
ISIS official photo report on public amputations (January 2015)
Iraq and Syria - clarity and confusion (Part Two) (December 2014)
Downing of a Jordanian fighter aircraft and ISIS capture of the pilot
(December 2014)
Iraq and Syria - clarity and confusion (Part One) - ADDENDUM (December 2014)
Iraq and Syria - clarity and confusion (Part One) (December 2014)
The likely fall of Syria's Dayr al-Zawr air base - another slaughter on the horizon? (December 2014)
"The unwanted ally" - Iran conducts airstrikes against ISIS (December 2014)
ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusrah alliance - a wrench in Obama's plan? (November 2014)
Voting - Syrian style (November 2014)
Iraqi peshmerga troops cross Turkey to Kobani - why, and will it matter? (October 2014)
he Islamic State Air Force - some perspective, please.... - ADDENDUM (October 2104)
Kobani struggling to survive as ISIS attacks another Syrian Kurdish border town (October 2014)
The Islamic State Air Force - some perspective, please.... (October 2014)
"Finally, the Turks..." - allow U.S. and coalition access to Turkish airbases
(October 2014)
Airpower versus ISIS - try the Afghan model (October 2014)
ISIS: The fall of Kobane and the march on Baghdad (October 2014)
The war against ISIS - where are the Turks?
(September 2014)
Israel believes Syria retained some chemical weapons - no surprise (September 2014)
The Free Syrian Army as our "boots on the ground" in Syria?
(September 2014)
Life in the Islamic State in Iraq and [Greater] Syria
(June 2014)
Syrian Air Force strikes targets in Iraq - not waiting for the Americans (June 2014)
ISIS map indicates intentions in the Levant
(June 2014)
URGENT - ISIS seizes almost all Iraq-Syrian-Jordanian border crossings
(June 2014)
ISIS versus ISIL - what's in a name? (June 2014)
Iraq's second largest city falls to Islamists - fault of the United States? (June 2014)
ADDENDUM - Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election - A Prediction (June 2014)
Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election - A Prediction (May 2014)
Russia to deliver military trainer/attack aircraft to Syria (May 2014)
American arms to Syria? Too little, too late? (April 2014)
The Russians are coming...with our (unwitting?) help (March 2014)
Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Walid Muallem Heart Surgery (March 2014)
New Syrian Election Law - Mere "Ink on Paper" (March 2014)
Secure Freedom Radio Interview - October 4, 2013 (October 2013)
Syria: UN report does not blame the regime for chemical weapons use - really? (September 2013)
Syria: What does Bashar al-Asad get for giving up his chemical weapons? (September 2013)
Syrian Chemical Weapons Strikes - Random Attacks or Viable Military Targets? (September 2013)
Obama "blinks" - a gift to Bashar al-Asad (September 2013)
France24 Debate - A Panel on Potential U.S. Intervention in Syria (August 2013)
Russian arms to Syria - interview on the Steve Malzberg Show (May 2013)
Iran - time to intervene in Syria? (May 2013)
The battle after the Battle for Damascus (April 2013)
Iraq "inspects" Iranian cargo aircraft heading for Syria - color me skeptical (April 2013)
The Coming Battle for Damascus - Addendum (March 2013)
Syria: Attempting to Neutralize the Air Force (February 2013)
The Coming Battle for Damascus (February 2013)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
Syrian Air Force losses in 2012 (January 2013)
Syrian prisoners confirm Scud use (December 2012)
ADDENDUM - Syria about to use chemical weapons on its own people? (December 2012)
Syria about to use chemical weapons on its own people? (December 2012)
Quoted in an article - Syrian helicopter deliveries (November 2012)
Syrian opposition ups the ante with SAMs (November 2012)
Syria - After the U.S. election, an opportunity for action? (November 2012)
Destruction of the suburbs of eastern Damascus (November 2012)
Syrian opposition execution of Iraqi Sadrist - not helpful (November 2012)
The Syrian "barrel bomb" - a terror weapon (October 2012)
Russian weapons to Syria - Minister Lavrov, any comment? (October 2012)
Syrian air force cluster munitions reliability issues (October 2012)
Syrian Air Force losses as of 15 October 2012 (October 2012)
Mortar attack on Turkish town - memo to Damascus (October 2012)
Destruction of a World Heritage site in Aleppo (October 2012)
Obama and his military strategies (September 2012)
Syrian civil war - and the children (September 2012)
Note to the Syrian opposition - take the airbases! (August 2012)
HIP action - Syrian style (August 2012)
Assault helicopters over Al-Mizzih - I lived there.... ADDENDUM (August 2012)
Assault helicopters over Al-Mizzih - I lived there.... (August 2012)
Syrian air force attacks - some comments (August 20120|
Egypt and Syria - a tale of two armies (August 2012)
Syrian air force attacks - effective use of the aircraft (August 2012)
The "ghosts" - Bashar al-Asad's thugs (August 2012)
Syrian astronaut defects - who knew? (August 2012)
Iranians kidnapped in Damascus - a mistake (August 2012)
Obama signs "secret" finding on Syria (August 2012)
Syria - the battle for Aleppo (July 2012)
Syrian air attacks on Aleppo (July 2012)
Syria's potential use of chemical weapons? (July 2012)
Syria, the uprising and Mezzeh (July 2012)
Turkey, the CIA and Syria - upping the ante (June 2012)
Syria: Assif Shawkat dead? (May 2012)
Syria - we're not even "leading from behind" (May 2012)
Syria's chemical weapons and the uprising (May 2012)
EU luxury sanctions against Syria - is the best you can do? (April 2012)
The President, the Secret Service and me.... (April 2012)
UN observers in Syria - don't expect much (April 2012)
Syria agrees to ceasefire - don't hold your breath (March 2012)
Planning considerations for military intervention in Syria (March 2012)
Video analysis: Syrian Air Force delivers materiel to Hamah Air Base (March 2012)
Iran and Syrian issues conflate (February 2012)
Situation in Syria continues to deteriorate - ADDENDUM TWO (February 2012)
Situation in Syria continues to deteriorate - ADDENDUM (January 2012)
Situation in Syria continues to deteriorate (January 2012)
The resurrection of the caliphate? (January 2012)
Syrian Air Force video analysis (December 2011)
The coming nuclear arms race in the Middle East (December 2011)
Syria - nearing the brink of civil war? (November 2011)
Russia Today - Crosstalk: "Getting Syrious" (November 2011)
"Hibr 'ala waraq" - Syria's agreement with the Arab League (November 2011)
Syria - the chances for change (August 2011)
Syria: The invasion of Hamah (August 2011)
Analysis of the Syrian Train Sabotage Attack (July 2011)
The nexus of Syria's protests and Hizballah's future (June 2011)
Can Syria's Bashar al-Asad survive "the Arab Spring?" (June 2011)
Syria - more violence at the hands of "the reformer" (April 2011)
Bashar al-Asad warns the Syrian people (April 2011)
Bashar al-Asad's attempts to placate the Syrians (March 2011)
Syrian President's remarks on Tunisia and Egypt (February 2011)
Recess appointment of ambassador to Syria (January 2011)
Syria: American foreign policy failure (December 2010)
Syria - the rise of Asif Shawkat (October 2010)
Syria flexes it muscles in "the province" of Lebanon (October 2010)
Hizballah and Scuds - an Israeli red line (October 2010)
Syrian influence returning to Lebanon (September 2101)
Syria bans face veil at universities (July 2010)
Al-Sadr in Damascus - another step in his journey to rule Iraq? (July 2010)
Iranian radars to Syria - some context (July 2010)
Syria arming Hizballah - is this news to anyone? (June 2010)
Syrian Nuclear Reactor and Military Attachés (May 2010)
No Scuds for Hizballah - just "the usual rockets" (April 2010)
Scuds for Hizballah - a game changer (April 2010)
Kerry in Syria - are you really that naive? (April 2010)
Obama to "engage" Syria - why not? (February 2010)
North Korea resumes military assistance to Syria (February 2010)
"Strip joints" in Damascus - who knew? (January 2010)
Israeli withdrawal from al-Ghajar - no impact (December 2009)
FBI arrests group seeking arms for "the Resistance" (November 2009)
US again fails to restart Middle East peace talks (October 2009)
Druze cross Syrian-Israeli border - that's change
(September 2009)
Syria - confusing reports and regime stability
(September 2009)
Hizballah fully rearmed - is anyone surprised?
(August 2009)
Thoughts on the release of the "Lockerbie bomber" (August 2009)
Syria - Bashar al-Asad has learned well (August 2009)
Syria's continuing "power struggle" (August 2009)
Israel and the Golan Heights - missing the big picture? (July 2009)
Syria threatens to take Golan from Israel
(July 2009)
Return of an American ambassador to Syria (June 2009)
The Awakening - IAEA and the real "axis of evil" (June 2009)
Syria's alliance with Iran - a force for stability?
(May 2009)
Kerry wants Syria to help disarm Hizballah?
(February 2009)
Syrian Air and the Israeli elections
(February 2009)
Damascus - Nexus of Terrorism
(January 2009)
Hamas - The Iranian Connection
(January 2009)
Obama and Syria - the Asad Test (December 2008)
MiG-29 Fighters for Lebanon?
(December 2008)
Michel Aoun: A Lebanese Politician Faces Reality
(December 2008)
Syrian Uranium Mythology (November 2008)
Obama's Election - Mixed Reviews in the Region
(November 2008)
Memo to President Admadihejad: "Nuclear weapons are militarily useless"
(November 2008)

Syria - car bomb near Shi'a shrine
  (October 2008)

North Korea names ambassador to Syria - nothing new  (August 2008)
Peace between Syria and Israel?
(May 2008)

Carter's Hamas meeting comes at bad time
(April 2008)

What role will Syria play at peace conference? (November 2007)
The Israeli air strike in Syria - what the target wasn’t.... (September 2007)
Bombs for Syria – a message for Iran (September 2007)
Syria and Iran need to rethink their choices (August 2007)
Potential for a new civil war in Lebanon? (May 2007)
The real axis of evil (May 2007)
On the Pelosi-Lantos visit to Syria  (April 2007)
The Damascus Option (March 2007)
What's in a name? - the Syrian-Iranian car company (March 2007)
Senator Nelson in Damascus - what are you thinking? (December 2006)
Iraq Study Group - Iran and Syria part of the problem (December 2006)
Iraq-Syria: Restoration of Diplomatic Relations (November 2006)
Syria and Iran Increase Signals Intelligence Cooperation (October 2006)
Syria - Attack on U.S. Embassy (September 2006)
HAMAS, Israel, Syria, Iran – Pieces of the Same Puzzle (June 2006)
Syria: Has Assad Dodged a Bullet? (April 2006)
Iraqi WMD in Syria? (January 2006)
Ghazi Kan'an Commits Suicide? (October 2005)
Syria-Lebanon: New Syrian Military Intelligence Chief (February 2005)
Syria and Iran Common Front - Nothng New (February 2005)
Rafiq Al-Hariri Assassination - A Syrian Hand? (February 2005)
Israeli Assassination of Hamas Leader in Syria (August 2004)
Syria and the Alawites (August 2000)
The Golan Heights (from The Politics of Water series, August 2000
Syria - Bashar Al-Asad: Election of a Prince? (June 2000)
The Arab Socialist Renaissance Party – the Ba’th (May 2000)
The Euphrates River (from The Politics of Water series, November 1999) 
The Arrogance of Power - A Presidential Visit (October 1999)


Terrorism / War on Terror / Al-Qa’idah
Miniseries Review: "Caliphate" (Netflix - 2020) (March 2020)
QUOTED: After the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - what are the repercussions for ISIS? (October 2019)
Repentant "ISIS bride" wants to return to the United States (February 2019)
Interview on Israeli I24 NEWS "Perspectives" (January 2019)
ISIS claims responsibility for London underground attack (September 2017)
Ahmad Khan Rahami - the ISIS connection
Trump accuses Obama and Hillary of "founding" ISIS (August 2016)
U.S. to deploy "specialized expeditionary targeting force" to combat ISIS - mission creep? (December 2015)
CNN Opinon - How to defeat ISIS (November 2015)
Is your government lying to you about the war against ISIS? (August 2015)
The confluence of Charlie Hebdo, al-Qa'idah and ISIS (January 2015)
The Feinstein Report - a lame duck attack on the CIA? (December 2014)
The war against ISIS - where are the Turks? (September 2014)
Iraq sides with Iran against U.S. in release of Hizballah terrorist (November 2012)
"Taliban John" claims his religious rights are being violated in prison (August 2012)
Intelligence and the Obama Administration - Amateur Hour? (June 2012)
CIA penetration of al-Qa'idah - how about "need to know?" (May 2012)
Wanted Al-Qa'idah leader killed in Yemen (May 2012)
Interview on theDove TV/Radio (May 2011)
Will death stop terror? No, says one expert (May 2011)
Usamah Bin Ladin (1957 – 2011) (May 2011)
The Ron Insana Show - comments (October 2010)
Brennan wants to "build up moderate elements" of Hizballah? (May 2010)
Fort Hood, Detroit, Times Square - more to come (May 2010)
Faisal Shahzad - a Taliban throwaway? (May 2010)
Times Square and the Pakistan connection (May 2010)
Three Al-Qa'idah in Iraq leaders dead - now what? (April 2010)
Legal Justification for Drone-Launched Missile Strikes (March 2010)
"But I only support the charitable branch of Hamas...." (February 2010)
Three Afghan Taliban leaders captured - a shift in the ISI? (February 2010)
Al-Qa'idah in federal court or military commissions? (February 2010)
Did the President really say Al-Qa'idah is "hunkered down?" (January 2010)
Jordan loses a soldier in Afghanistan (January 2010)
It's time to wake up and profile (December 2009)
Al-Qa'idah members - criminals or combatants? (December 2009)
U.S. Air Strike in Yemen - kudos to President Obama (December 2009)
Date certain withdrawal - always a mistake (December 2009)
Taliban analysis of the Obama speech (December 2009)
FBI arrests group seeking arms for "the Resistance" (November 2009)
Mr. President, make a decision already (October 2009)
Pakistan launches its offensive - a good sign (October 2009)
Thoughts on the release of the "Lockerbie bomber" (August 2009)
A sound Obama policy - missile strikes in Pakistan (July 2009)
Al-Qa'idah on the run - again (June 2009)
Detainee abuse photos - what is wrong with these people? (June 2009)
Al-Qa'idah in Iraq - "We're still here..."
(April 2009)
Mr Axelrod - were you at the same meeting as Obama?
(April 2009)
Aid to Pakistan - Senator Levin gets it right
(March 2009)

Al-Qa'idah leader on September 11, 2001 (March 2009)

More American troops to Afghanistan
(February 2009)
Yemen's unique counterterrorism tool
(February 2009)

Yemen and the Guantanamo 245
(January 2009)

New Pakistan policy risky – but necessary
(September 2008)

American troops in Afghanistan deserve a better command structure
  (August 2008)

"Nothing but Heartaches" by The Supremes  (June 2008)
German soldiers in Afghanistan - don't shoot the bad guys!
(May 2008)
The Palestinians - Bin Ladin's new cause (May 2008)
Yemen walking a fine line (May 2008)
TVO - "Interrogating Torture"  (April 2008)

Intelligence Squared Debate - The Video!!  (March 2008)
Yemen - State sponsor of terrorism? (February 2008)
Ban tough interrogations? The stakes are too high (February 2008)
Charlie Wilson's War (January 2008)
John Walker Lindh wants out (December 2007)
HAMAS seeks a ceasefire - why? (December 2007)
A bad week for the intelligence community (December 2007)
Podesta, Korb and Katulis: Long on complaints, short on solutions (November 2007)
Waterboarding: Is it torture and does it work? (November 2007)
Italy – you brought this on yourselves (September 2007)
Quoted on CNBC blog (September 2007)
The bin Ladin video - a unique confluence of events (September 2007)
'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'  (August 2007)
Italian resolve on Iran – who knew? (July 2007)
We already have a 'war czar' (May 2007)
Saudi Terrorism Arrests Demonstrate Capabilities (April 2007)
Tour length isn't the problem  (April 2007)
Afghanistan's hostage slippery slope (April 2007)
"To care for him who shall have borne the battle"…? (February 2007)
Al-Qa’idah moves to Pakistan (February 2007) 
More US troops to Afghanistan - What of NATO? (February 2007)
Iraq and 9/11 Deaths - Faulty Analogies (January 2007)
Al-Qa'idah's "English Brothers" Operation (December 2006)
Al-Qa’idah - an “unintended consequence” of American operations? (December 2006)
Fox Journalists Released - Amateur Hour in Gaza  (August 2006)
British airliner terror plot: a Pakistani connection (August 2006)
Iran-Hizballah-Hamas Coordination (July 2006)
The Iran-Hamas Connection - Why? (July 2006)
Yemen Acquits Al-Qa'idah Members - A Surprise? (July 2006)
Bin Ladin "videotape" - a misnomer (June 2006)
HAMAS, Israel, Syria, Iran – Pieces of the Same Puzzle (June 2006)
The Az-Zarqawi and Bin Ladin Tapes (April 2006)
Hamas Operation in Jordan - Why? (April 2006)
Zacarias Moussaoui and the Fifth Plane (March 2006)
Yemen - Ally in the War on Terror? (February 2006)
NSA Surveillance - Why Was FISA Not Enough? (February 2006)
Az-Zawahri Tape - Andrea Mitchell Blog (February 2006)
“Taliban John” – His Father Speaks Out (January 2006)
The Al-Qa'idah Tapes (January 2006)
The Bin Ladin Tape - Much Ado About Nothing (February 2006)
NBC Nightly News: An interview with a Taliban commander (December 2005)
The USS Cole - A Victim of Bad Policy? (December 2005 – reprint)
NSA Operations Illegal? (December 2005)
NSA - Spying on Americans? (December 2005)
Al-Qa'idah: Newly Published Az-Zawahiri Message (December 2005)
MSNBC Hardball - CIA and Torture (November 2005)
Al-Qa'idah: Letter from Ayman Az-Zawahiri (October 2005)
Al-Qa'idah Ties to London Bombings Confirmed (September 2005)
Usamah Bin Ladin - Wounded in Action? (August 2005)
Assassination - A Foreign Policy Tool? (August 2005)
NBC News - "CD serves as ‘cookbook’ for rogue terrorists" (May 2005)


Miniseries Review: "Rise of Empires: Ottoman – Mehmed vs Vlad" (Netflix - 2022) (January 2023)
Movie Review: The Promise (Survival Pictures, 2016) (September 2020)
Movie Review: The Ottoman Lieutenant (Netflix - 2017) (August 2020)
"Sultan" Erdogan converts another museum to a mosque (August 2020)
What does withdrawal of US troops from Iraq mean? - American military expert explains (July 2020)
Russian airstrike on Turkish troops in Syria - predictable and avoidable. Now what? (February 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Rise of Empires: Ottoman" (Netflix - 2020) (January 2020)
Erdoğan demands the United States extradite Syrian Kurdish leader to Turkey (October 2019)
Syria and Turkey - the NATO realities (October 2019)
Trump, Turkey, and the Kurds - a study in perfidy (October 2019)
Turkish security zone in Syria - not so fast, Sultan Erdoğan (August 2019)
Erdoğan threatens to invade Syria - this time he just might (August 2019)
Turkey, Erdoğan, the S-400 and the F-35
Turkey receives Russian S-400 air defense system - a symptom of "Erdoğan disease" (July 2019)
Interview on Israeli I24 NEWS "Perspectives" (January 2019)
Trump threatens Turkey's economy if it attacks Kurds (January 2019)
Turkey now wants U.S. support to defeat ISIS? (January 2019)
Turkey and the fight against ISIS - whose side are you on? I ask again... (December 2018)
American envoy: US Support to Syrian Kurds is "temporary" (December 2018)
Since you asked: How do you pronounce the name Khashoggi? (November 2018)
ADDENDUM - Amateur Hour in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia to admit killing Jamal Khashoggi (October 2018)
Amateur Hour in Riyadh - Saudi Arabia to admit killing Jamal Khashoggi (October 2018)
What are Erdoğan's intentions after the fall of 'Afrin? (March 2018)
The Turks and the Kurds - creating a self-fulfilling prophecy (February 2018)
Turkey - Operation Olive Branch: how far will they go? (January 2018)
Turkish and Iraqi cooperation against the Kurds (October 2017)
Is anyone else growing weary of Turkey's Erdoğan? (October 2017)
Erdoğan - Trump meeting -- here are your talking points, Mr. President (May 2017)
Turkey and the fight against ISIS - whose side are you on? (April 2017)
SYRIA: Has Turkey been marginalized and the Americans thrust into the fight? (March 2017)
American combat troops to Syria? Not so fast.... (February 2017)
Turkish threat to limit access to Incirlik Air Base - a collision course? (January 2017)
Increased ISIS terror attacks - symptom of the impending loss of it's capital cities (January 2017)
Russia and Turkey broker a ceasefire in Syria - where is the United States? (December 2016)
Implications of crash of the Russian Air Force aircraft en route Syria (December2016)
More U.S. troops to Syria - a showdown with the Turks?
Erdoğan and Mosul - symptom of a larger problem? (October 2016)
Putin and Erdogan rapprochement - what happens to Syria? (August 2016)
ISIS attack in Istanbul - two targets in one (January 2016)
Turkish jets down Russian drone - what happened? (October 2015)
U.S. and Turkey to launch "comprehensive" operation against ISIS (August 2015)
US Air Force F-16's finally deploy to Turkish air base - it's about time (August 2015)
Turks to allow coalition access to Turkish air base - finally (July 2015)
Fallout of a bad nuclear deal with Iran (March 2015)
Iraqi peshmerga troops cross Turkey to Kobani - why, and will it matter? (October 2014)
"Finally, the Turks..." - allow U.S. and coalition access to Turkish airbases
(October 2014)
The war against ISIS - where are the Turks? (September 2014)
Mortar attack on Turkish town - memo to Damascus (October 2012)
Turkey, the CIA and Syria - upping the ante (June 2012)
The resurrection of the caliphate? (January 2012)
The coming nuclear arms race in the Middle East (December 2011)
Biden's upcoming visit to Turkey - propping up an Islamist? (December 2011)
The MV Mavi Marmara in the Golden Horn (October 2011)
Gaza: The Turks should look in the mirror (June 2010)
Turkey - U.S. ally or policy spoiler? (June 2010)
The "freedom flotilla" and world outrage (June 2010)


United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates and Israel to normalize relations - my thoughts (August 2020)
The UAE Air Force returns to the skies over Syria (February 2015)
Mr President - take a lesson from the ambassador (July 2010)
U.S. arms sales and deployments to the Gulf - interesting timing (February 2010)
UAE defense spending in a global recession (February 2009)
Dubai - Strategic Importance of the UAE (February 2006)
The Gulf Cooperation Council (May 2000)


The Politics of Water

Egypt and the Nile - trouble brewing? (July 2009)
East and West, Oil and Water
(March 2005)

The Nile River (August 2001)
Southern Lebanon (March 2001)
The Golan Heights (August 2000)
The Euphrates River (November 1999)



Miniseries Review: "The Last Post" (Amazon Prime - 2017) (December 2018)
At American urging, Saudis to investigate Yemen airstrike - we know the results (August 2018)
Houthi attack on USS Mason - an Iranian challenge? - ADDENDUM (October 2016)
Houthi attack on USS Mason - an Iranian challenge? (October 2016)
Yemen - do the Houthis want to talk? (April 2015)
Obama and the Middle East - the first four years (January 2013)
CIA penetration of al-Qa'idah - how about "need to know?" (May 2012)
Wanted Al-Qa'idah leader killed in Yemen (May 2012)
The resurrection of the caliphate? (January 2012)
"Covert" drone attacks in Yemen? (June 2011)
Yemen - fertile gound for al-Qa'idah (June 2011)
A new landscape in the Middle East (February 2011)
Initial thoughts on Yemen and the terror threat (October 2010)
Al-Qa'idah in the Arabian Peninsula feeling the heat? (April 2010)
US Special Forces to Yemen - the right strategy (January 2010)
Out of the box thinking - U.S. intelligence in Yemen (January 2010)
Yemen - the new front in the war against al-Qa'idah (December 2009)
U.S. Air Strike in Yemen - kudos to President Obama (December 2009)
Perspective on Yemen's recent violence (November 2009)
Al-Qa'idah on the run - again (June 2009)
Yemen's unique counterterrorism tool
(February 2009)
Yemen and the Guantanamo 245
(January 2009)
The Palestinians - Bin Ladin's new cause
(May 2008)
Yemen - State sponsor of terrorism?
(February 2008)

Yemen Acquits Al-Qa'idah Members - A Surprise? (July 2006)
Yemen - Ally in the War on Terror? (February 2006)
The USS Cole - A Victim of Bad Policy? (December 2005 – reprint)


Movie and Series Reviews

REVISED - Miniseries Review: "The Last Post" (BBC - 2017) (June 2024)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda - Season 4" (Netflix 2023)
(January 2023)
Miniseries Review: "Rise of Empires: Ottoman – Mehmed vs Vlad" (Netflix - 2022) (January 2023)
Movie Review: The Swimmers (Netflix - 2022) (January 2023)
Movie Review: The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem (Netflix – 2022) (September 2022)
Movie Review: All the Old Knives (Amazon – 2022) (April 2022)
Movie Review: The Operative (Yuval Adler, 2019) (March 2022)
Movie Review: Death on the Nile (20th Century, 2022) (February 2022)
Movie Review: Munich – The Edge of War (Netflix, 2021) (January 2022)
Miniseries Review: "The Girl from Oslo" (Netflix 2021) (January 2022)
Movie Review – Official Secrets (2019) (October 2021)
Movie Review: Snowden (Oliver Stone – 2016) (October 2021)
Film Review: From the Sky (Ian Ebright, 2014) (June 2021)
Movie Review: Security Risk (Allied Artists, 1954) (March 2021)
Movie Review: The Ottoman Lieutenant (Netflix - 2017) (August 2020)
Movie Review: Wasp Network (Netflix - 2019) (June 2020)
Movie Review: The Siege of Jadotville (Netflix - 2016) (June 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda - Season 3" (Netflix 2020) (April 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Caliphate" (Netflix - 2020) (March 2020)
Movie Review: "Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears" (Acorn TV - 2020) (March 2020)
UPDATE: Miniseries Review: "Fauda" (Netflix 2017- ) (February 2020)
Miniseries Review: "Rise of Empires: Ottoman" (Netflix - 2020) (January 2020)
Movie Review: "Escape from Zahrain" (Paramount,1962) (November 2019)
Movie Review: "Sand Storm" (Netflix - 2016) (October 2019)
Miniseries Review: "The Spy" (Netflix - 2019) (October 2019)
Movie Review: "The Red Sea Diving Resort" (Netflix - 2019) (August 2019)
Movie Review: "Operation Finale" (MGM - 2018) (April 2019)
Movie Review: "Queen of the Desert" (Benaroya Pictures - 2015) (April 2019)
Movie Review: "Beirut" (Radar Pictures - 2018) (April 2019)
Miniseries Review: "Fauda" (Netflix 2017- ) (January 2019)
Movie Review: "The Angel" (Netflix - 2018) (January 2019)
Miniseries Review: "The Last Post" (Amazon Prime - 2017) (December 2018)