
Iguazu Falls

Emily visited the Argentine provinces of Corrientes, Chaco and Formosa as the leader of a Rotary Group Study Exchange

(Read the blog)



Argentine flag with the sun of May


Corrientes-Resistencia bridge - often closed by campesinos to protest low wages

Arrival at Corrientes airport

Rain soaked team at Iguazu National Park

Various views of the Iguazu Falls








Iguazu National Park

Passion flower




Passion flower


Visit with the Argentine Coast Guard in Corrientes

Your photographer



Carpinchos - used for leather products

Timber plantation

Indoor asado

Sampling local vintages

Tango demonstration

Again, sampling the local vintages




Prize bull - Capellan
Centro Genetico de Litoral


Surveying farming



Outdoor asado


Yerba mate on a plantation



Costumes made and sold by a Rotary club as a fundraiser


Gaucho saddle

Out in the campo


Family transportation



River transportation


Toba woman and child



Toba village - note pump



Local Rotary members inspect pump
Emily's club in Oregon is sponsoring a project to install more pumps



Toba village - in need of more pumps

Emily with Luis Sanchez Negrette - GSE coordinator for northern Argentina

Toba village

Pump that is only source of drinking water in area

Toba village - no pump

Water distribution

Emily with members of Toba tribe and local Rotary club member

The Argentine GSE team leader, Osvaldo Gonzalez with Emily at Rotary District 5110 Conference, Eugene